วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get Rid Of Zits At Home

Getting rid of zits is a common problems for young people all around the world, and will probably remain a common problem for many years to come. Hundreds of teenagers from all around the world are searching the Internet right now, for ways in which they can get rid of their zits from the comfort of their own home.

When people treat their zits from their own home, they usually use household ingredients that form an effective zit treatments. There are many different household products and ingredients that can be found around the home to make up these solutions to fight zits. Some are just as good as over-the-products you buy from your local drug store. The main advantage of using home treatments is that you know they won't cause any side effects, unlike some drug products.

How To Get Rid Of Zits At Home

The most effective solution to treat your zits at home that I know of is by using lemons. You can use it in many different ways, but the most effective for me is; Mixing 50% lemon juice and 50% rose water together, which you put onto a cotton pad and then apply to your zits and wash off after 20 minutes.

You can also use the zest from an orange, I've heard many great things about this treatment for zits. I have never tried it myself though, as I had great results with the lemon juice and rose water. What you do with the orange zest is simple; rub it on your zits and leave it on for a minimum of 30 minutes! Simple as that!

These are just two ways you can use to get rid of your zits at home today, so stop reading and start applying these effective solutions!

Thomas Lee Dean had a severe case of case, you can learn the ways he managed to cure acne.

StopTheAcne.com provides a very useful E-Course and gives you a step-by-step guide on how to achieve an acne free face!

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