วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - The Aftermath of Acne Breakouts

If you suffered from acne, you would know that severe acne like cystic lesions could create scarring, redness and pigmentation. If the acne was not treated or was left to "run its course" and the person suffering from it loved to pick and squeeze, he'd likely suffer from severe blemishes or scars. Unfortunately, the blemishes are often the biggest source of concern. The unsightly scars could last longer than the acne breakouts. In fact, without treatment, you could probably have those scars for the rest of your life.


Once the skin inflammation cause by the acne heals, it usually leaves a reddish mark on the area affected by the acne breakout. The reddening could lasts from days to months. What causes this reddening? The skin reddening is basically caused by healing of blood vessels under the skin. If no more inflammations or lesions develop, the healing process will continue and reddening will go on until the skin has fully healed.

Can the skin reddening be treated? Unfortunately, it cannot be treated. You have to wait for it to run its path and go away on its own. Of course, you can adopt habits that will facilitate the process. You can wear sunscreen when you go out of the house. You can wear umbrella, caps or hats in order to protect your skin from sun exposure.

You might also notice scabs forming while the reddening goes away. Resist the urge to pick and peel off the scabs. They are there to protect your skin. If you peel off the scabs, it can reverse the healing process. You would have to deal with the redness longer than you would want to.

If you have the money to spend, you can also undergo an IPL therapy in order to hasten the healing process. But you should reconsider this, however, because the reddening will eventually go away with time and patience. So, why waste your money?


There are people who would experience pigmentations developing over the areas previously affected by acne. Of course, not everyone who suffered from acne would also deal with pigmentations. Pigmentations will likely result:

a. In cases of severe acne or cystic acne. People, suffering from this type of acne, will likely experience pigmentation once the inflammation clears up.
b. When acne sufferer picks or squeezes his lesions or pimples.
c. When they take certain oral antibiotics which can cause pigmentation

Can you treat pigmentations? Yes, you could treat pigmentations. Although, they would likely clear up in a few days or months, you could still hasten the process with some anti-pigmentation products like lightening creams. It is important, however, that you adopt measures in order to make sure that acne breakout will not occur on the same area.

Unsightly scars

The most concern that acne patients are worrying about are unsightly scars.

How does scarring occur? Scarring occur when the skin's collagen breaks down which results to permanent skin damage and texture changes. So, if you are suffering from acne, do not let the acne run its course. Seek treatment for it before it gets worst and results to permanent scarring. If the inflammation is severe or if the acne is cystic, you should definitely seek immediate treatment.

Can scars be treated? Yes, they can be treated by laser but they'd cost you a pretty nifty amount of money. However, the laser treatment may be or may not be effective. There may be improvements but they can not restore your skin to its former pre-acne day texture.

Darren is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Acne Products and Acne Treatment Visit site for related article: "Natural Acne Treatment - Tea Tree Oil". Also, don't forget to download your 70-page Acne eBook for FREE.

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