วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Body Acne Solutions

Surveys reveal that over 75% of people having facial acne also suffer from body acne as well. Of these 90% carry this infection on their back, neck, shoulders and chest. A small percentage has acne on their legs and abdomen. While facial acne is undoubtedly harmful to a person’s personality, body acne is no less damaging. Body acne makes it difficult for men to go shirtless in public and prevents women from wearing low cut dresses, sleeveless garments and swim wear. The impact and severity of body acne can be minimized by taking a few precautions and by using time-tested medications.

Body acne poses a greater challenge than facial acne. For one thing, the back is not easy to reach. Secondly, these parts contain a large number of pores that produce more oil and are more vulnerable to infections than the face. Thirdly, the skin on the back is thicker and does not respond to doses of topical or oral medications that work for facial acne.

Almost all commercial creams and lotions contain one of the three commonly used antidotes - benzoyl peroxide, a glycolic acid derivative or salicylic acid. These compounds unclog the pores and possess an anti-bacterial property that helps fight acne. Further, they help in reducing the oil content of the skin. While these compounds have produced promising results, they can over-dry the skin and care must be taken to use moisturizing agents to prevent this condition.

Supporters of herbal cures recommend creams containing combinations of extracts from a variety of herbs. These include neem, honeysuckle, yellow dock, dandelion root and sarsaparilla roots. They act as mild antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and claim to detoxify blood. Body scrubs enhance exfoliation and are used to promote a healthy skin. Apricots are commonly used in these scrubs to provide roughage. Oral antibiotics and vitamins (B2, B3, A and E) are a useful adjuvant in battling acne.

Some simple health and hygiene measures go a long way in controlling acne. First of all, dermatologists agree that stress induces hormonal changes that in turn aggravate acne. Staying “cool” helps control acne.

Hygiene measures include regular body washes using antibacterial soaps, using moisturizing creams, using a soft towel to dry the skin, removing sweaty garments as soon as possible, avoiding pinching affected areas, exercising and getting enough rest. The best thing to do always is to consult a dermatologist before using any medication - oral or topical.

Acne Solutions provides detailed information about acne solutions, natural acne solutions, acne scar solutions, best acne solutions and more. Acne Solutions is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

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