วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment With Vitamin B5

Using Vitamin B5 for acne treatment is the best kept secret in the world of skin care. I'm amazed at how few people know about this "miracle cure" (and I do not use that phrase lightly.)

Let me tell you my story. I had acne from age 18 all the way until age 25. During those 7 years I battled acne with every single product I could find. Creams, pads, whatever it was they were advertising on TV at the time. I tried them all. Everything I could find in the acne section of the store. Guess what my results were? I don't think you even have to guess, if you have suffered from acne like I did then you know that none of those things work. At all. In fact they usually just make it worse.

One day I was so extremely frustrated with my acne problem that I went looking for an alternative cure. I had finally given up on all of the products they sell at the store and figured I had to try something else. I came across a website talking about how you can use Vitmain B5 to cure acne by taking capsules internally. I was very skeptical at first as I had always thought that acne was something that happens "on the skin" and couldn't be treated internally.

But the more I read about how acne actually works the more I realized how wrong I actually was. Acne is caused by the overproduction of oil inside the body and the only way to cure it is by slowing down that overproduction of oil. Thats why those topical treatments (the pads and the creams and all of the rest) are so ineffective. They don't try to stop acne at the source of the problem. According to the website I was looking at, that's exactly what Vitamin B5 does. It slows down that overproduction of oil inside the body.

I decided to give it a shot even though I was still skeptical. After all, how many other things had I tried in the last seven years without any success? When the Vitamin B5 capsules arrived at my home a few days later I started to use them and almost immediately started seeing results. My acne not only cleared up over a few days, but I also stopped forming new acne. Not only that, I found that I actually had more energy (pretty cool "side effect.")

It was a huge booster for my confidence and self esteem to finally be free of acne after suffering with it for seven years. I had only wished I had learned about Vitamin B5 earlier.

My big question then (and still is today) is why don't more people know about this? It works way better than any of the stuff you see advertised on TV or in magazines? And then I started getting what some would call a "crazy conspiracy theory" (but it actually does make a lot of sense) maybe those making millions of dollars selling acne products that don't work don't want people to find out about a way to actually cure their acne for good. Wouldn't they be out of a lot of money? It's definitely something to think about.

CLICK HERE - Acne Treatment. Find out which brand of B5 vitamins is recommended to cure your acne.

Best Acne Prevention.

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