วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cure - Easy and Natural Ways to Stop Acne

There are many medications available for the treatment of acne. But is there an acne cure? You skin works with other organs to rid your body of waste. Waste exits the skin in the form of oils and perspiration. Since waste products come from the food we eat, the best cure for acne, as well as many other illnesses, is a healthy diet. Medications only help with the symptoms after an outbreak - a healthy diet begins cleansing your body from the inside out.

Foods That Cause Acne

- Sugar

- Processed flour

- Baked goods - such as cookies, pastries, pies, breads, cakes, and chips

- Trans or hydrogenated fats - cause damage to the body's tissues and increase risk of inflammation

- Carbonated drinks

- Nuts - should be eaten in small amounts

- Milk products - contain hormones that trigger the onset of acne

- Red meats

- Butter

- Fried Foods

Foods That Help Acne

- Fresh vegetables - any healthy diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables

- Fresh fruits

- Fish - fish provides Omega-3 fatty acids - you should eat fish at least twice a week, if not more

- Water - you should drink 8 glasses of water per day

- Turkey

- Chicken

Living Healthy

The most important thing that you can do for your body is living a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle should include a healthy diet - plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, high in fiber to cleanse the body, and Omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna. It is important to eat your meals on a regular schedule - 4 small meals per day will help keep your nutrition levels balanced and keep your digestive system working properly. Be sure to avoid foods that increase the risk of an acne outbreak. The best acne cure is prevention.

Along with a healthy diet, a regular exercise regimen is also essential to your overall health. Exercise helps to keep your muscles in shape and your cardiovascular system working properly. Diet and exercise together can help your digestive system to perform correctly in order to rid your body of the wastes that can lead to acne outbreaks.

Cleanliness is another important aspect of healthy living. While cleaning your face will not prevent an outbreak of acne, together with a healthy diet and exercise, it will decrease your risks of inflammation associated with acne. You can have an outbreak of acne when bacteria become trapped in your pores - and keeping your face clean will help to eliminate this bacteria.

Avoid stress whenever possible. Stress causes hormones in your body to change - and these hormonal changes can lead to an outbreak of acne. You body is balanced so that your entire system works together to keep you strong. And, there are many things that you can do to keep your system running smoothly and avoid many illnesses.

Natural Treatments for Acne

Along with a healthy diet and exercise plan, there are some natural treatments that can keep your skin healthy.

- Lemon Juice Wash - apply freshly squeezed lemon juice to your face and let it dry for about 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

- Honey Facial - apply uncooked honey to your face and pat until sticky. Leave for 5 minutes and remove.

- Tea tree oil - wash face with tea tree oil to prevent infections.

- Vitamin A - helps reduce sebum production.

- Zinc - helps heal blemishes and reduces inflammation.

- Vitamin B6 - helps reduce acne outbreaks caused by the menstrual cycle.

- Massage - massaging the skin helps to keep the pores open, decreasing the risk of pores becoming clogged.

There are many home remedies that will help you if you have an outbreak of acne. But, the best acne cure is a healthy diet, regular exercise, and caring for your skin. A healthy diet are essential for your overall health - and learning to eat the right foods can help you to eliminate the risk of acne outbreaks.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Acne Cure at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/acne-treatment1.htm. AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also participate in Health Q&A where you can ask questions and share your remedies. If you are worried about your Baby's health, read about Baby Health Care

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วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cleaning – 7 Vegetables You Must Eat

Eating vegetables is a strong way to clean up your acne. And indeed why should you spend hundreds of dollars on products why you can do it on a natural way, of course you have to pay for the vegetables as well but they don’t cost more then a few dollars and I’m sure you eat already vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and in the next paragraphs I will describe seven vegetables that help you to clean up your acne plus their health benefits.

Carrots or carrot juice

Give carrot juice a try it’s very healthy and it’s not only good for acne but it can give you a good colour of your skin as well. A carrot contains a lot of vitamins such as a,b,c and k but also minerals and magnesium. You can eat them raw, stewed (excellent with mustard), in a pudding or as a salad.


A Cucumber is an effective way to prevent pimples. I’m sure you have saw this already in movies a woman with a cucumber mask on her face. Cucumbers contains vitamin a and c.
This may surprise you but they belong to the same family as watermelons. Personally I prefer to eat my cucumber cut in circles with pepper, salt, oil and vinegar.


Salad contains almost no calories and contains a high water volume. Salad contains a lot of vitamin A and but even more vitamin K and vitamin c. I like to serve my salads with a dressing of course you can try mayonnaise but also very nice is an Italian dressing or a French dressing.


Popeye eats spinach and he becomes strong in a few moment of course this is only a cartoon. But spinach is good to clean up acne it contains a lot of Vitamin K, A and Iron. Spinach is also a good resource to prevent you from cancer, hart disease and arthritis.


Peppers or paprika’s are one of my favourite are one of my favourite vegetables you have them in red, orange, yellow, green ,white and even purple. Did you know that you can find paprika’s in cosmetic aisle such as blush eye shadow. Red and yellow paprika’s contain much more vitamin c than green paprika’s. In fact green paprika’s are immature.


Broccoli is an interesting vegetable to add on the list. Have you read the article written by a CNN journalist in 200: “Broccoli beats most other veggies in health benefits”. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin c and calcium it’s also a good resource to prevent cataracts.


Garlic is not really a vegetable you should eat if you want to kiss somebody. Garlic is an important ingredient when it comes to herbal medicines. There are even people who are putting a garlic juice on their pimples.

As you can see vegetables are very effective not only for a perfect skin or to clean up your acne but also for other things as well. There are a lot of people who don’t like vegetables but I hope you will try them out.

Frederik gives out a lot of valuable acne and skin information

If you want to learn which kinds of fruit are effective to prevent acne or if you like to know if chocolate is bad for your skin you can visit his site with a lot of articles about acne and skin cleaning =>http://acne--tips.blogspopt.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Spot Treatment - Three Acne Spot Treatments That Will Kill Your Acne in Less Than 3 Days

There are many an acne spot treatment that will claim to clear up your acne overnight. Unfortunately, many of these claims only lead to acne sufferers becoming victims of a good marketing strategy. Tell me, did that last spot treatment you bought clear up your acne? Probably not, or you wouldn't be looking for an acne spot treatment right now.

I have suffered with acne for over seven years now, so I know how painful and embarrassing acne can be. That's why I can tell you with 100% confidence that there is nothing to clear up your acne overnight. However, there are some things you can do at home that will lighten the appearance of your acne overnight, take down the swelling, and reduce the redness.

1. Acne sulfur treatment: There are many sulfur (or sulphur) treatments available at stores and online. Many of them cost less than $10. I personally use the free bottle that comes with my Proactiv kit. Just dab a little sulfur ointment on your zit, leave it sit for 10-15 minutes, and wash it off. Oftentimes there's puss in my zit that will follow the sulfur right down the drain. It works very quickly for me. Keep up with the sulfur on that same spot for the next few days, and you will also be able to keep down the redness of your zit and help prevent a scar.

2. Acne orange peel treatment: Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins for acne, especially when applied topically. Simply grate a little bit of orange peel into a couple teaspoons of water, mix it up into a paste, and apply it to your pimple. Leave it on until it dries, then rinse it off. Keep up with this treatment for a few days until your pimple depressurizes and leaves you with only a tiny bump.

3. Benzoyl peroxide: This is probably the most common acne spot treatment. When you're looking for a benzoyl peroxide treatment, go for the gold. A 10% concentration of benzoyl peroxide will do the best trick for your zits, especially if you're looking for an overnight fix. You can apply it 2-3 times a day, as long as it doesn't get severly dried out. Be careful though, as it can stain your clothes, towels, and sheets.

But I haven't told you the best part yet. The absolute best acne spot treatment comes from a 3-day acne cleanse that you can do internally at home. It costs less than $40, and you only need to use it once. You can find it right here at http://www.easyskintreatment.com.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Diet - 3 Foods to Avoid Like the Plague

Acne is no picnic. There's no better way to say it. Sometimes I wish acne were a real person so I could do them bodily harm! In this article I'm going to tell you about 3 foods that are actually known to aggravate your acne condition and make it worse so you can try to ease up on them or cut them out of your diet altogether. I'll also tell you about an acne treatment diet plan you can follow to get rid of your acne for good.

While growing up with acne, I heard all of the myths and rumors about what did and didn't cause acne. The most common of those myths was the old "acne is caused by dirt." The reality of the situation is that acne has very little to do with having filthy habits. There are many acne sufferers out there with super clean habits, just as there are very dirty people who have never had a pimple or blackhead in their entire life.

The truth is that what you put into your body has far more to do with your acne condition than what you put onto it. So without further delay, let's take a look at three prime candidates to avoid while trying to follow an acne treatment diet.

First off, I'd like to tell you about a popular little treat called chocolate. The culprit at work here is a common stimulant known as caffeine, and if allowed, caffeine will aggravate your acne condition to no end. Please note though that with the proper acne treatment diet, caffeine (and therefore chocolate) in moderation is not a big problem.

Another food that can sometimes aggravate acne is the tomato. Tomatoes are a double edged sword. On one hand, they're great for you. On the other hand, the high amounts of acid don't exactly help your skin. My recommended course of action is to keep eating tomatoes, but make sure that you're following a general acne treatment diet like the one I'll tell you about later.

Dark colas are often a big problem. They are full of harmful additives that are almost sure to aggravate acne, so if you drink dark soda drinks cut them out immediately and see if it improves your condition.

Cutting back on known acne aggravators is very important, but for chronic acne sufferers it's only half of the equation. To truly be cured of acne, you must follow a strict acne treatment diet. Just as food you put into your body can have a negative affect on your acne, the right foods can also have a very positive effect.

Surprisingly, the acne treatment diet won't break the bank, and is guaranteed to show results in just 3 days. The foods you need to eat to clear up your acne are natural, have no side effects, and are inexpensive. Get your hands on a real natural acne cure with a step-by-step diet plan clicking below where it says "Best Natural Cure for Acne":

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatments - An External Cause of Acne?

Spots, pimples, scars, blackheads, whiteheads are common complaints of a teenager. Acne is a universal problem that has haunted all of us at some point of time in our lives. Acne happens when oil or sebaceous glands come to life around puberty, stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls. Sebum is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin, and under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates bacteria which live on everyone's skin and generally cause no problems, to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed which gradually becomes a pimple.

Hormones are one of the main causes of acne. Besides hormones, there are some other factors that can cause acne. Food, pollutants, stress are the top reasons. Although there is no substantial evidence to prove this, we have been brought up being told by our elders that any form of junk food can lead to acne. Many suggest that we should avoid pizza, chocolates, greasy and fried foods, milk and dairy products, these findings are far from established. Dirt and other pollutants are also known to cause pimple. Stress, according to many can lead to acne as they believe that it causes hormonal imbalance in the body. However, experts say that there is no direct link.

Non-water based, oily cosmetics are also known to cause acne as they can clog the pores that result in the inflammation of the skin resulting in a pimple. Pressure, drugs and occupations are some lesser known causes in occasional patients. Pressure refers to both mental and physical pressure. Mental pressure can be due to work or personal issues. Physical pressure refers to pressure from helmets, chinstraps, collars, suspenders, and the like that can aggravate acne. Drugs and exposure to industrial products are other causes of pimples.

With all these factors we have to encounter in life, it seems impossible to avoid getting some kind of acne at some moment. This is also why it is difficult to find the perfect acne treatment for an individual. And considering everyone's skin is different, how one's skin can tolerate or react to a specific treatment is never a general rule. Plus treatments should be different for normal, oily or dry skin. It becomes important to fight acne from all ways possible, but not at the price of harming your health. An external treatment should cleanse, treat and repair your skin but be gentle enough so you don't get any form of irritation. Also, a dietary acne supplement should be included to your skin care routine as it deals with the hormonal changes that lead to acne.

Are you looking for some serious acne treatments? Then you must visit SeriousAcneTreatments.com and check the best treatments for acne.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Body Cure - Understanding the Pathology and Why It's Incredibly Important to Getting Cured

To cure body acne, you have to understand its pathology. It is caused by blockages to the pores of your skin. These blockages are themselves caused by dirt and bacteria from your surroundings. You can only cure it by getting rid of the blockages, which means dealing with the dirt and the bacteria.

If your acne cure cannot do that, you need to try another one. For sure, you can get cure of that acne if you go for a combination of treatments.

There's really no other way around it. You need to understand your skin type. That will determine the best cure you should apply to get rid of your acne. You may have dry skin, or you may have a covering that is oily, or one even, that is very sensitive to any of those treatment agents out there. You will never find the right acne cure without taking these into consideration.

There are lots of cures for acne you can find in medical journals. Keep up your studies and you just might stumble across the easiest and most appropriate one for you. That should be easy enough because you can get this information from the Internet. Moreover, you can talk to your doctor for detailed information about acne cures.

So, it goes without saying, your best bet to cure acne is to first ensure that you know of the pathology of your condition, so that you can get the ideal cure. This is very important because it will save you lots of time and waste of resources in using the wrong medications or treatments.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Home Acne Solutions

Almost everybody encounters acne at some stage in life. Without exception, all acne victims have one question in mind, “how do I get rid of these zits and have a normal skin like everybody else?” People are willing to try almost any remedy, however bizarre it may sound, to restore their skin to its pre-acne beauty instantly.

While supermarkets and chemists offer a wide selection of medications for treating acne, it takes a few weeks for these creams and lotions to produce visible results. Several homegrown remedies have emerged that promise overnight relief from pimples and skin blemishes. The ingredients for these remedies come mostly off kitchen shelves or in bathroom cabinets making them easy to access. Needless to say, none of these remedies have passed clinical trials or have an FDA approval and must therefore be used with discretion.

One remedy for overnight relief from acne recommends the application of cotton balls soaked in warm salt water after slitting the pimple open. Another involves the use of honey that is applied to the affected area and left for fifteen minutes. The face is rinsed and toothpaste is applied and left on overnight. You supposedly wake up the next morning pimple free.

An egg white has also been used with great results. It is recommended that the it be applied to the affected areas and left overnight. This procedure may have to be repeated a few times. A combination of egg white and lemon juice is said to be affective in curing acne and removing skin blemishes. The use of cotton balls soaked in vinegar and the application of strawberry leaves on pimples has produced satisfactory results for some.

Home formulas for acne also include facial masks that come in a varied and often amusing assortment. For example, oatmeal and cornmeal pastes in water are recommended by several amateur skin care researchers, and the use of mashed bananas (1/2 per mask) mixed with 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream is another sticky but viable alternative. Cucumber pastes with various additives like yogurt, strawberries and honey promise removal of skin blemishes. A mixture of powdered almonds, eggs and honey applied to the face for 15 minutes has done wonders for some, while a few have used a concoction containing tomatoes, oatmeal and lemon juice.

Basically, homebrewed remedies use raw materials that have one or the other active ingredient used in commercial medications; therefore, it is not surprising that they do produce results. One must be careful trying any of these home remedies as different skin types react differently to ingredients. It is always best to consult a doctor or skin care specialist.

Acne Solutions provides detailed information about acne solutions, natural acne solutions, acne scar solutions, best acne solutions and more. Acne Solutions is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Rosacea - Not Just Acne

Acne Rosacea is a disorder of the skin usually limited to the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. It is a condition where there are broken blood vessels and flushing cheeks along with having pimples. Although acne rosacea has acne in it's name skin care treatments used to treat acne will not really help this condition. The skin lesions are notable for their absence of comedones, which distinguishes this disorder from regular acne.

This condition is normally found in adults with fair skin and tends to run in families. It may also be found in children, although rarely. From most accounts women are affected with it two times more then men are.

One cause of acne rosacea could be an overload of mercury from dental amalgams or sometimes from eating fish. Stress may also bring out symptoms. At first the redness comes and goes. But if left untreated for a long time it may get worse. More pimples may appear after some time along with a permanent flushing of the face. The nose may even become disfigured if not properly treated.

Sometimes acne rosacea can suddenly appear but usually it develops over time. There really isn't a cure for it but you can help to alleviate the symptoms by avoiding things that cause your blood vessels to open and close repeatedly. Avoid coffee, spicy foods, and cola drinks. Also it may help not to overdo exercising and to take extra care in the sun.

Eating more foods with vitamin C like oranges, grapefruits and lemons which also contain bioflavonoids will help to promote healthy capillaries. The red flushed cheeks of acne rosacea are caused by weak capillary walls that cause the blood vessels to dilate. Other fruits that are good to eat are strawberries, grapes, cherries and blueberries.

Discard any skin care products that you may now be using if they irritate your skin since this just makes the situation worse. Even the shampoo and conditioner you use on your hair may get on your skin and irritate the acne rosacea. Use calming herbs like thyme and chamomile to soothe your skin during a flare up. Use a cleaning milk or a vegetable soap to clean your face.

So to alleviate some of the symptoms of acne rosacea try to relax and enjoy life to help remove the stress. Then begin eating better and start using products that are made to be used on acne rosacea and not ones that are for regular acne.

Kathy has been writing articles off and on for almost 2 years. Come visit her latest website over at http://www.carpetshampooer.infotipguide.com which helps people find the best carpet shampooer and information on carpet cleaners.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Pimple Home Remedies - 3 Simple Remedies For Your Acne

Acne and pimples are embarrassing. You breakout when you have somewhere important to go, such as a formal, wedding, prom, or on a date. Not knowing what caused your breakout is frustrating. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some acne pimple home remedies.

That way, you will have clean and clear skin.

Acne Pimple Home Remedy #1

Garlic is a simple and very effective remedy for pimples and acne. In order to get the benefits of garlic, massage raw garlic onto your face several times a day for at least a week. You will see results within a week of doing this.

Acne Pimple Home Remedy #2

Fengureek leaves are another effective remedy for acne and pimples. To get its benefit, make a paste of it and apply it to the areas that have acne and pimples. Do this two times a day. Wash it off after it has dried on your face.

Acne Pimple Home Remedy #3

The third remedy for acne and pimples is your diet. Don't eat foods that are high in saturated fats or sugar. Also, don't cook your foods in vegetable oil. In order to clear up your acne, you should eat healthy foods, such as fruits, veggies, nuts, and lean meats.

Also, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you skip this remedy, the others won't work.

These are some acne pimple home remedies. Use these remedies to get rid of your acne and pimples. You deserve to have clean and clear skin. Don't go another day with embarrassing acne. Do something about it now.

Don't let your acne embarrass and frustrate you anymore. To learn how to get rid of your acne naturally within 3 days, go to http://www.get-rid-of-acne--fast.blogspot.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treaments - 3 Do's And Dont's In Treating Acne Effectively

If you are looking for proven ways to get rid of your acnes or acne scars quickly, then this article will help you do just that.

You will find out the number one remedy that thousands have used to remove acne, including me. You can expect to see visible result in as little as 3 days after applying this remedy!

Before I share with you the remedy, I like to share with you 3 tips that you can use today to get rid of your acne fast:

1. Drink plenty of water!

Who knew that water make up 75% of your body and is the most important substance you can consume? Water does so much for you that I can't describe here, but I guaranteed you that when you drink more water, your acne won't pop up as much and your skin will feel much healthier.

2. Eat a carrot a day.

Carrot have beta carotene and Vitamin A which is vital to healthy skin. The result of eating more carrot will be that your skin won't get irritated and itchy as much. You will also notice less acne and smother skin in as little as 3 weeks.

3. Apply honey.

Honey is great for your health and it's great to cure acne scar or acne. All you need to do is rub a little acne onto your acne scar or acne and let it sit there for as long as you want. After 3-7 days, you should see visible result!

What you shouldn't do to get acne free skin:

1. Don't use medication.

I do recommend you use natural remedy because acne medications are unhealthy and have harmful side effect. Many people turn to medication but I advise you not to because of the long term side effect it will create for you.

2. Avoid drinking milk.

Have you heard of this one before? Believe it or not but chances are you drink pasteurized milk. Pasteurized mean that the milk was heated and when milk is heated, their protein changed into a whole different protein that is harmful to you. This new protein can't be digested as easily and can contribute to your acne.

3. Avoid wearing makeup or beauty products

Avoid putting any makeup on your face! Remember that many of these products are oil based and clog up your pores. If you insist on using makeup, then go with water based and organic kinds - although they are a bit more expensive.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment That Works - What Are They and Can They Really Treat Acne?

What acne treatments that work? This question is quite simple to answer. To check the effectiveness of the medication it is essential to consider a few factors beforehand. People who are suffering from acne should purchase and consume medication which is compatible with their skin types. Thus people with dry skin should not purchase cream based solutions but instead go in for gel based solutions. For acne treatments that work it is essential that the individual pay careful attention to the ingredients of the medicine. If the medicine is too intensive then it will have adverse effects on the skin and the acne problem might just worsen.

Acne medication which actually works and provides swift results can also be made at home. Simple homemade solutions like a mixture of equal quantities of lime juice and rose water is a very good anti acne solution. Another helpful acne medication is a tea made out of common garden nettles. The nettle leaves flush out the toxins in the body. Mixing a bit of honey in the tea will provide even better results as they honey acts as a toner for the skin. Treatments which entail the use of exfoliating lotions are also very effective. The exfoliating lotions if applied daily without a break can clean out the skin and pores thoroughly which in turn puts an end to the secretion of sebum oil which is the main cause of acne. Thus here is a list of a few acne treatments that really make a difference and do actually work.

What other acne treatments that work? Get to know more about it by Clicking Here!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Using at Home Products

Looking for info on natural ways to clear up acne? Here, I will give alternative ways that can help you cure acne and not have to buy another over-the-counter acne treatment.

Several different types of acne treatments are right around The house. Baking soda would be used as a scrub. If it's a mask you need, use oatmeal. There are also natural ways you can exfoliate and get rid of acne scars.

Acne spots can be a big problem. The application of lemon/lime can exfoliate skin quite well, stopping acne spots right in their tracks. For active acne spots, you can use some that would need to be applied directly to them. For this one could use tea tree oil. There are diluted versions that can be applied over the entire face. This gives you a general idea of certain things you could use to help acne naturally.

Using these Forms for clearing up your acne not only work very well, but will save you money! The prices of advanced over-the-counter acne treatments rise continually. The more chemicals that are being put in these acne treatments, the better chance of slowing the healing process. You could take things a step further and go for internal acne treatments.

Before going the internal acne treatment route, try a combination of the above mentioned natural products, with vitamin B5. Small amounts of B5 won't do the trick so make sure you do research on the ways to use it effectively.

Now you have some alternatives to over-the-counter products. I don't recommend trying what has been mentioned above unless you know what you're doing.

Kevin Smith formerly suffered from acne and now enjoys an acne free life. For more in depth info on implementing these methods or for more Free tips visit http://www.acnenatural.net and http://acne-care-today.blogspot.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Back Acne - How To Cure It?

Acne is quite a problem to almost everyone. It does not only sprout up when one reaches the age of puberty but even lasts longer than that. The problem occurs when the hair follicles and pores get clogged because of the extra amount of sebum on the skin's surface. Dead cells have no way to escape the skin and together with the sebum, attracts attacks from bacteria and from that acne is formed.

Although acne on the face and back are formed by the same principle, it is much harder to cure back acne because the back is quite a "hidden" part of the body to ones own eyes and difficult to reach when you wash your body. Moreover, the back is usually the part that is pressed on by the weight of your body the most when you sleep, and this physical pressure can make the existing acne on your back get into a worse condition.

When you have acne appear on your back, the first thing you should do is not wear tight clothes. Tight clothes just make your sensitive skin more irritated and will cause more acne. Washing your body thoroughly every day, especially your back, is essential in curing acne. You should use a special kind of soap, which has salicylic acid. You should also change your bed sheets frequently because it is a very pleasant place for billions of bacteria to reside and attack your skin whenever possible.

You should see the doctor if a large area of acne appears on your back. Curing acne is a time-consuming process and you must follow your doctor's advice although it will take a lot effort. Never touch or squeeze your acne, it will not help but will just spread the infection to other skin areas and result in more acne.

A healthy diet which is rich in vitamins and low in fat and sugar will help prevent extra oil on your skin and thus prevent more acne from forming. Drinking a lot of water and trying to avoiding staying up late are also very helpful in the cure of acne in general.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment With Vitamin B5

Using Vitamin B5 for acne treatment is the best kept secret in the world of skin care. I'm amazed at how few people know about this "miracle cure" (and I do not use that phrase lightly.)

Let me tell you my story. I had acne from age 18 all the way until age 25. During those 7 years I battled acne with every single product I could find. Creams, pads, whatever it was they were advertising on TV at the time. I tried them all. Everything I could find in the acne section of the store. Guess what my results were? I don't think you even have to guess, if you have suffered from acne like I did then you know that none of those things work. At all. In fact they usually just make it worse.

One day I was so extremely frustrated with my acne problem that I went looking for an alternative cure. I had finally given up on all of the products they sell at the store and figured I had to try something else. I came across a website talking about how you can use Vitmain B5 to cure acne by taking capsules internally. I was very skeptical at first as I had always thought that acne was something that happens "on the skin" and couldn't be treated internally.

But the more I read about how acne actually works the more I realized how wrong I actually was. Acne is caused by the overproduction of oil inside the body and the only way to cure it is by slowing down that overproduction of oil. Thats why those topical treatments (the pads and the creams and all of the rest) are so ineffective. They don't try to stop acne at the source of the problem. According to the website I was looking at, that's exactly what Vitamin B5 does. It slows down that overproduction of oil inside the body.

I decided to give it a shot even though I was still skeptical. After all, how many other things had I tried in the last seven years without any success? When the Vitamin B5 capsules arrived at my home a few days later I started to use them and almost immediately started seeing results. My acne not only cleared up over a few days, but I also stopped forming new acne. Not only that, I found that I actually had more energy (pretty cool "side effect.")

It was a huge booster for my confidence and self esteem to finally be free of acne after suffering with it for seven years. I had only wished I had learned about Vitamin B5 earlier.

My big question then (and still is today) is why don't more people know about this? It works way better than any of the stuff you see advertised on TV or in magazines? And then I started getting what some would call a "crazy conspiracy theory" (but it actually does make a lot of sense) maybe those making millions of dollars selling acne products that don't work don't want people to find out about a way to actually cure their acne for good. Wouldn't they be out of a lot of money? It's definitely something to think about.

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatments Possibilities

You have a lot of possibilities on choosing acne treatments nowadays, when so many products are available on the market. Many products promise you everything, but you do not take this promises in consideration, you must choose your acne related to your skin type and you also must take in consideration what kind of acne you have: mild acne, moderate acne or severe acne, which is the hardest type of acne ever, being dangerous because of acne scarring, because scars can leave marks upon the area the pimples are located.

Acne affects many people. Most of them are teenagers, affected by acne because of hormonal imbalances that lead to exceed of sebum, which combines with bacteria that produce acne, a bacteria that normally lives in our body but in this moisturizing environment flourishes and after clogging pores acne appears.

Sometimes in the initial stages of treatment acne may flare. This doesn't indicate that the acne treatment you have chosen was not suitable for you. You must be patient and if no good improvements are visible in more than four or five weeks, you must consult a good dermatologist and take into consideration to change the treatment.

If acne scarring occurs, you can choose a treatment from the several treatments available. Improving the appearance of your skin is not hard, it is the efficiency of the treatment that count and that is important because you can improve the way your skin looks but acne can burst again any time if the treatment you took was not efficient enough to stop acne from inside and also from outside.

So there are a lot of acne treatments possibilities, but only a few acne skin care products can make you get rid of acne for good. So don't loose your hope, there are many treatment options and acne stop possibilities. Acne cleansers are also good; they remove accumulated oil, sweat and dirt from your skin. Cleansers must be used once or maximum twice a day, else they will over dry the skin and make it secret more sebum even than before.

Combining topical treatments (like gels, solutions and lotions) with internal treatment (orally treatment with pills) is always the best solution in healing acne if you suffer from moderate or even severe acne. First you must try a home made remedy, try also to eliminate the factors that produce acne (like diet, stress, sleep, hygiene, exercise) and after that if your skin condition is not improve you must take in consideration to go to a good dermatologist to prescript a good acne treatment according to your skin type and to acne type (mild, moderate or severe acne).

Dealing with pimples is a hard thing, that's why you must be very careful which acne treatment possibility you choose. So try at first some home made remedies, and if your acne condition is still the same then select a powerful and efficient acne skin care treatment.

You must not aggravate your acne! Do not squeeze pimples; do not push them because this can only lead to scarring and increase inflammations.

Finding an effective acne treatment is essential. You must choose your treatment according to your condition, so it is best before you start any kind of acne treatment to consult a doctor because besides efficiency you will make time economy.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Skin Care Tips - Here Are Some Stunning Tips Your Shouldn't Miss If You Want Clear Skin

Having a clear skin is everyone's dream. Think about it, who wants to have ugly pimples, whiteheads, blackheads and acne scars all over their skin? I am sure you would agree with me that no one would want that. Now the problem is how do you get a clear skin? Well don't worry! If you are an acne sufferer I know the pain you are feeling because I was one myself. However I am no longer because I have found some simple acne skin care tips that have helped me to banish my acne and you are about to discover them also.

Acne skin care tip #1-

Wash your face at least twice per day. This may sound simple but you will be amazed how many persons fail to do this. You see everyday you skin is exposed to all kinds of different foreign matter and some of them even gets trapped on the surface of your skin. They will accumulate and blog your pores and make your acne even worse. That is why it is very important to wash your skin at least twice per day. Also if you have extremely oily skin you may want to consider increasing that number.

Note when you are washing, you should be as gentle as possible. If you are too rough, you may irritate the area even more thus making your acne even worse. it is best to use a gentle cleanser, preferably one that contains salicylic acid as this will exfoliate your skin and prevent it from drying out. Rinse well and always pat dry instead of wiping with a clean towel.

Acne skin care tip #2-

Don't pop your pimples or touch your face regularly. Remember you are constantly touching all different kind of surfaces and your finger will have millions of bacteria and other germ cells. Once these gets into your pimples they will only make matters worse. And besides, popping your pimples can make the area become tender, inflamed and reddish looking. You are safer to just leave it alone.

Acne Skin Care Tip #3-

Drink a lot of water everyday. Water is very important for your skin. Lack of water can make your skin dehydrated and look dry and scaly. It is for that reason and more why medical researcher recommend that you drink at least 8- 10 glasses of water everyday and you should wait until you are thirsty before you drink.

Also pay close attention to this,

Are you sick and tired of having acne? Are you tired of looking in the mirror only to see pimples staring back at you? If yes, you don't have to worry no more! There is a safe, natural and effective way how to get rid of acne in 14 Days Or Less!

This may seem impossible to believe but it is 100% truth. This holistic treatment will attack the root cause of the acne so that you can get rid of your pimples, whiteheads and blackheads for good. If you really desire to get a clean and clear skin then I really urge you to take 2 minutes to read everything on the next page because it just might change your life --> Natural Acne Cure

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Foods Are Good For Acne?

I get constantly asked ‘what foods are good for acne?’

Now, there is no conclusive evidence which proves that poor nutrition causes acne but I do believe that good nutrition can help to reduce acne.

In this article I am going to discuss which foods to include and increase in your diet to reduce your acne.

Acne is a common problem among teenagers because of changes in their hormones at that time of life and it even affects some adults.

Acne is cause by too much sebum being produced by the sebaceous glands which blocks pores within the skin causing infection.

The areas of the body acne typically affects are:

  • The Face
  • The Back
  • The Chest
  • The Groin
  • The Buttocks

So, What Foods Are Good For Acne?

Sulphur containing foods are good for acne.

Which Foods Contain Sulphur?

  • Eggs
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Dairy Products
  • Cabbage
  • Beef
  • Fish
  • Dried Beans

What Is Sulphur And Why Is It Good For Your Skin?

Sulphur is an essential mineral which means your body needs it to function properly.

Sulphur is essential for healthy hair, nails and yes, you have guessed it… your skin.

In fact, sulphur is very good at making your hair more lustrous, plus it tones up your skin and helps to fight bacterial infections such as… acne

It is for this reason, that sulphur is commonly used in many natural topical skin products, which you may find in your local health store.

OK, so we now know that sulphur is good for the skin and we also know which foods contain sulphur.

So, Are There Any Other Foods Which Can Help With Acne?

Yes, foods containing essential fatty acids, EFA’s for short.

What Foods Contain EFA’s?

  • Oily Fish
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Whole Grain Cereal
  • Green leafy Vegetables

So, What Are EFA’s And Why Are They Good For Acne?

Essential fatty acids are a group of oils which are needed by the body to function properly.

Now, if your body lacks EFA’s, one of the symptoms is acne.

EFA’s are also good at reducing acne because they have anti-inflammatory properties.

We have already discussed that the mineral sulphur is good for acne but there is also another mineral which may help your acne… zinc.

So, What Foods Contain Zinc?

  • Seafood (especially oysters)
  • Red Meat
  • Mustard
  • Wheat Germ
  • Eggs
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Pulses (especially black eyed peas)
  • Tofu
  • Brewer’s Yeast

What Is Zinc And Why Is It Good For Your Acne?

Zinc is an essential mineral which means your body needs it to function properly.

Now, zinc is good for immunity, hormones and skin health, so including zinc foods in your diet may help with your acne.

So, to summarise…

Foods which are good for acne are those which contain sulphur, zinc and essential fatty acids.

These foods are:

  • Brewer’s Yeast
  • Dairy Products
  • Dried Beans
  • Eggs
  • Garlic
  • Green leafy Vegetables
  • Mustard
  • Nuts
  • Oily Fish
  • Onions
  • Pulses
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Red Meat
  • Seafood
  • Seeds
  • Tofu
  • Whole Grain Cereal

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Body Acne Solutions

Surveys reveal that over 75% of people having facial acne also suffer from body acne as well. Of these 90% carry this infection on their back, neck, shoulders and chest. A small percentage has acne on their legs and abdomen. While facial acne is undoubtedly harmful to a person’s personality, body acne is no less damaging. Body acne makes it difficult for men to go shirtless in public and prevents women from wearing low cut dresses, sleeveless garments and swim wear. The impact and severity of body acne can be minimized by taking a few precautions and by using time-tested medications.

Body acne poses a greater challenge than facial acne. For one thing, the back is not easy to reach. Secondly, these parts contain a large number of pores that produce more oil and are more vulnerable to infections than the face. Thirdly, the skin on the back is thicker and does not respond to doses of topical or oral medications that work for facial acne.

Almost all commercial creams and lotions contain one of the three commonly used antidotes - benzoyl peroxide, a glycolic acid derivative or salicylic acid. These compounds unclog the pores and possess an anti-bacterial property that helps fight acne. Further, they help in reducing the oil content of the skin. While these compounds have produced promising results, they can over-dry the skin and care must be taken to use moisturizing agents to prevent this condition.

Supporters of herbal cures recommend creams containing combinations of extracts from a variety of herbs. These include neem, honeysuckle, yellow dock, dandelion root and sarsaparilla roots. They act as mild antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and claim to detoxify blood. Body scrubs enhance exfoliation and are used to promote a healthy skin. Apricots are commonly used in these scrubs to provide roughage. Oral antibiotics and vitamins (B2, B3, A and E) are a useful adjuvant in battling acne.

Some simple health and hygiene measures go a long way in controlling acne. First of all, dermatologists agree that stress induces hormonal changes that in turn aggravate acne. Staying “cool” helps control acne.

Hygiene measures include regular body washes using antibacterial soaps, using moisturizing creams, using a soft towel to dry the skin, removing sweaty garments as soon as possible, avoiding pinching affected areas, exercising and getting enough rest. The best thing to do always is to consult a dermatologist before using any medication - oral or topical.

Acne Solutions provides detailed information about acne solutions, natural acne solutions, acne scar solutions, best acne solutions and more. Acne Solutions is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Use Acne Natural Treatments For Clear Skin

There are many methods to cure acne. However, before you jump into the next acne product, it is important to evaluate your acne conditions first. This step is vital in treating your acne, as there are different acne solutions for different levels of severity and types. Nonetheless, there is a solution for every type of acne problem. Here are a few examples.

If you are looking for an overnight cure for a pimple, there are many home treatments for acne that you can use. For the quick fix, try dabbing a little toothpaste on the spot. You can also make a facial paste with oatmeal, tomato and garlic cloves. This has been proven to work well on mild acne. Washing your face with a mixture of water, salt and vinegar has the effect of calming down budding pimples. How well these remedies work will depend largely on your skin type. Even if you do not see any significant improvement, these natural acne cures will not likely worsen the situation. That is one of the beauties of using natural products.

The best acne cure by far is still prevention. In order to prevent acne, it is very important to have a regular skincare regimen. The key is to keep your face clean and ph balanced. Use mild antibacterial facial cleansers regularly and apply some natural ingredients on the face. This can be as simple as using lemon peels or fresh tomato juice. As mentioned, prevention is the key to blemish free skin.

If you have severe acne, then you will need a more advanced treatment for the situation. At this point, prevention type of regimen will not be beneficial in treating the acne. If the condition is very severe, you may need to take oral medications like Accutane or some other topical medication prescribed by the doctor. In this case, it is best to seek a skin doctor's help to start you on the most suitable treatment.

Once your sever acne has subsided, chances are there may be acne scars left behind. The marks and spots left on the skin take a longer time to remove than the acne itself. But acne scar removal is achievable. If you have pitted scars, a few sessions of laser therapy, dermabrasion or collagen injection will leave you with much improved skin. After that, it is advisable to use a more natural approach to your skincare. Too many chemical treatments can leave the skin too thin and vulnerable. If your scars are not severe, there are acne scar natural treatments that will help to remove the marks gradually.

Are you plagued by acne woes? Learn to remove ugly marks with Acne Scar Natural Treatment methods.

Angela Neo is lifestyle writer and internet marketer. She has written on numerous online publications on subjects like fitness, weight loss, fashion, skincare and lifestyle. She runs a website on natural acne cure at http://www.acnescarnaturaltreatment.org

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne and Hormones - Are Your Skin Eruptions Due to Hormonal Changes

Hormones have a role in acne skin breakouts though they are not the only cause. If you have severe skin breakouts and pimples or cysts and are a female, you may want to ask your doctor about polyscystic ovary syndrome or pos. Other symptoms of pos include hair growth on the face that is excessive.

Androgen is a hormone which emerges during puberty and causes the sebaceous glands to excessively secrete. In addition to androgen, the body when under duress produces cortisol which can be another contributing factor to pimples, cysts and acne eruptions.

Many women notice that estrogen and their menstrual cycles are an important factor. For some women , taking birth control helps to control acne formation and breakouts and will reduce pimple formation. You would need to review with your physician the amount of estrogen in the birth control pills as well as keep a diary of your cycle and the acne pimple breakouts to have a good record of their relationship.

Studying one's diet is also very important and is a useful way to balance hormones and control acne skin. Many say diet and acne have no connection and that is just a myth. However, others including myself have found that foods do balance hormones and can significant effects on improving the pattern of pimple breakouts. Experts seem to be mixed on the relation of acne and diet, but some have discussed the role of saturated fat in clogging pores and others mention sugar as a factor. Take a week to test things out and use a systematic plan to study your results.

Dee Cohen is a licensed social worker. Stop by Acne and Hormones to get tips on how to clear your skin quickly at http://www.oldsouthironworks.com/acne-treatment.html

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - A Detox Might Cure Your Acne

You are not clean inside your body. Inside your body you have little substances called "toxins". The bad things you ate are still affecting your body, highly processed food contains loads of toxins. If you're breathing in a polluted area you will most likely get toxins in your system. Somehow you will most likely get these bad substances in your body. And if you're dirty inside it will affect your health but also your skin, this might be a reason to acne.

How do you clean these substances out of your system then?

When you do a detox(removing the toxins) you might feel ill. You might want to start your day of with a fresh pressed orange drink, that will get your detox starting. During detox this drink might make you feel tired. When the detox is finished you will notice a big difference through your drink. You will be filled up with energy from it.

To only have fruits in the morning is also great because during the night your body is really trying to detox. The detox process continues even when you wake up until you eat something. So a fruit drink is very good to keep your body detoxing.

There are loads and loads of different methods. Some involves drinks over a period of a couple of weeks, others are more intense and can take around 1-2 days. Depending on how quick you want to do this you might want to do a little research about different methods. I hope I gave you something to think about at least because a proper detoxing have cured many people from acne.

Interested in some other natural tips against acne, you can find them here http://bloggermann.bloggspace.se/

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne 101 - Learn How to Safely and Naturally Cure Your Acne and End Future Outbreaks

Acne is one of the leading skin infection that affect more than 75% off all teenagers all over the globe. It requires immediate attention otherwise it can lead to permanent scarring. This disease is caused when there is an over production of the sebum oils by the sebaceous gland. The function of this oil is to protect the skin and hair shaft. However when there is and over production it will accumulate and get thick and sticky thus clogging the pores and at the same time trapping dirt and bacteria.

There are many natural treatments that can cure acne. Some of them are taken orally while some will be applied directly to the affected areas. The advantage of using natural treatments is that the are cheap, effective and rarely produce side effects. This cannot be said about drugs and prescription because most times they contains chemicals that can cause severe damage to some persons skin.

Some natural acne remedies are listed below:

Toothpaste- This is a remedy that is used to treat pimples. It will zap the inflammation and reduce the swelling of pimples. The gel like toothpaste is preferable. Simple apply a small amount to the affected areas and leave it overnight.

Garlic- Garlic has several antibacterial properties that will kill the acne causing bacteria on the surface of your skin. You would have to crush the garlic and apply it to your affected areas as a paste. Leave it on for several minutes then rinse with warm water. The downside to this method is that garlic has a very weird smell.

Lemon Juice- Lemon juice is very effective to treat acne. It is also good to get rid of acne scars and pigmentation. All you need to do is to apply a small amount of lemon juice to the affected areas. Be warned it may sting at first.

I know that what I am about to reveal to you about how to get rid of acne can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth!

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วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - What You Need to Know

Having acne is a staple of puberty, and almost everyone goes through the stage where one gets acne constantly. Having pimples are one of the changes that the body goes through during the onset of teenage years, along with the development of breasts and the growth of hair all over. Some get acne occasionally and there are those who are unfortunate enough to have to deal with unsightly pimples on a regular basis. This skin problem is actually not life threatening, but it can feel embarrassing for those who have it. Teenagers especially may get self-conscious about their appearance when they have pimples all over their faces.

Acne is not just the pimples that sprout on your face. Whiteheads and blackheads that grow not only in the face but also in the chest and back are also classified as acne. They are a result of the sebaceous glands being inflamed, or what we commonly refer to as clogged pores. Serious cases result to the formation of cysts and nodules, which usually cause scarring.

Acne has several symptoms. The typical ones are the swelling of the skin, or red spots. Pimples cause a persistent itchy feeling on the skin, and you can easily tell if you have a pimple because it is very visible.

In order to avoid or treat acne, it is necessary that one must keep his face as clean and as oil-free as possible. Excess production of oil in the skin causes the pores to block, which produces acne. To make the face shine-free, there are various products and treatments available that you can buy. To maintain healthy skin, it is advisable to follow these three steps: cleanse, tone and moisturize. Regular facial wash will do, enough to remove the dirt and grime from the skin. A toner should be applied next to balance the oil production of skin. The last step is to use a moisturizer to prevent the skin from drying.

Those who get pimples occasionally don't really need lots of products for their face. For those who have moderate to serious acne problems, a professional care may be needed. People with abnormal amounts of sebum production require extensive treatment to rid the face (and sometimes including the face and chest) of acne and to prevent deep scarring.

Medication is needed to treat severe cases of acne. The effects of medication are not usually noticeable right away. It may take weeks and sometimes months of continuous treatment in order for the medication to take effect. Consistent maintenance is necessary so that the money and effort you spent on treatment will not go to waste. Manageable cases of acne usually use topical treatment as medication, but severe cases need oral medications and antibiotics. Oral contraceptives are also a remedy for skin problems, for they contain chemicals that can contain the hormones linked to skin health.

To keep face pimple free, always remember to clean face before going to sleep, especially if you are wearing makeup. Also, avoid touching the affected part so that acne will not get worse.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedies - Effective, Cheap and Easily Available

Cucumber, lemon, vinegar... you don't associate all these ordinary items in your kitchen with anything other than food and cooking, but they have at least one more thing in common - they are effective acne home remedies.

Who has never had an occasional pimple now and then? Whether you are fourteen or forty, you can become a victim of acne due to a host of possible reasons: unhealthy diet and habits, lack of personal hygiene, existing medical condition, hormone fluctuation, etc, etc... And while some types of acne require serious medical treatment, including antibiotics and liver cleansing medicines, good news is - most of acne types can be effectively treated with cheap and easily available acne home remedies.

Fruit and Vegetables as Acne Home Remedies

Either eaten or applied on acne affected areas, fruit and vegetables are amazing acne home remedies. Lemon juice mixed with rose water makes a wonderful tonic to be applied daily. You can also drink diluted lemon juice (add honey to taste) - it contributes to beautiful skin by helping your body get rid of toxins. Lime has a similar effect and can be used instead of lemon.

Cucumber - mashed or in juice form - can be applied to sensitive skin; unlike many other acne home remedies it doesn't dry your skin, on the contrary, it acts like a very gentle cleanser and moisturizer. Cucumber and carrot juice mixed together should become your daily drink if you want to attack acne from within.

Probably, not so appealing but effective acne home remedy is garlic thanks to its powerful anti-bacterial qualities. Want to try something more exotic? Papaya has been used in Asia for centuries not only as an acne home remedy, but as a soft and sensuous exfoliant for the whole body. For oily skin with acne try fresh tomato puree - it will remove the excessive oil and soothe the inflammation.

Herbs as Acne Home Remedies

A variety of herbs can be useful in your battle against acne. Most of them are easily available either in dried form or fresh. Prepare dried herbs in the same way you would make tea, then cool and apply on the acne with a cotton ball. Blend into a paste or squeeze the juice from fresh herbs and use on affected areas. Mint, basil, parsley, chamomile, birch leaves, coltsfoot, rosemary - all can be used to treat acne in a natural and non-abrasive way.

Other Household Items as Acne Home Remedies

Sea salt, baking soda or brown sugar can be used as scrubs and exfoliants, but if your skin is very inflamed, this can cause further inflammation. Alternatively, you can spray salt water onto your face a few times a day. Vinegar has proven itself to be an excellent acne home remedy, but it can sting the sensitive skin. In this case dilute it with water.

Aloe Vera, this common home plant, is an indispensable acne and oily skin remedy. You can cut its meaty leaf and apply the thick gel-juice directly on the acne or freeze it with water to make refreshing ice cubes. Honey is another wonderful cleanser for your skin (can be used along with lemon juice and/or oatmeal). You can even add an egg white to double the effect, or use the egg white alone - it has good absorbing properties, "vacuum-cleaning" the impurities from the pores.

As a nighttime treatment, try sandalwood and neem powder (available in Indian shops) mixed with rose water - apply and leave for the whole night, rinse off in the morning. Even your regular toothpaste is among effective acne home remedies, but you should apply it only on the acne spots, avoiding the rest of the skin.

Most of the above-mentioned acne home remedies can and should be used to prevent acne in the first place. If your skin is prone to frequent acne outbreaks, it becomes the more important for you to take proper care of it. Gentle cleaning (no harsh rubbing and scrubbing!), balanced diet (more fresh fruits and veggies!), lots of water and vitamin supplements can contribute greatly to your attempts of keeping acne at bay. Before turning to chemical over-the-counter acne medicines, try natural and harmless acne home remedies - your skin will be grateful to you!

Check out my acne blog to discover secret acne home remedies that can clear your acne in 3 days!

Davion is a healthy lifestyle advocate. Learn more about secret acne home remedies and how you can cure acne naturally from home. Also read another of his article on cheap and effective home remedies for acne.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Natural Hot Pepper Face Wash May Cure Acne

Nearly 60 million Americans experience bouts of acne, and more than 20 million of them end up with acne which may cause scarring. There are many remedies for acne and currently a company created another one, the world´s first chili pepper based face wash that has guaranteed to wipe out acne within a few short days, and without the burning sensation associated with hot peppers.

A great part of remedies work, however, they take weeks and even months to make any noticeable difference. A lot of these products are also mixed with chemicals; they are expensive and generally require a daily regimen.

Capsaicin, the active element in hot peppers has been shown to be an important acne fighter. According to experts, it works through a thermal heat action that helps to open pores and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Capsaicin has powerful antimicrobial properties that help distinguish harmful bacteria that's hiding within the layers of skin.

Capsaicin also helps to desensitize sensitive skin by affecting a series of tiny nerves. Capsaicin may also be beneficial for relieving chronic topical pain associated with certain circulatory conditions.

The golden product is called `Capsiderm´. Unlike arthritis creams -designed to relieve chronic muscle and joint pain- this new product is designed specifically to fight acne and tighten wrinkled lines on skin´s surface.

There are immediate results within the first day or two of use. According to the company, most acne conditions will disappear completely within the first week, even severe cases.

Article written by Hector Milla, editor of http://www.acnetreatmentstips.com, a website pointing the best acne treatment exposed, thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link. Website associated with http://www.FreeGlucoseTester.org .

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วันเสาร์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help?

Recently I cam across a question about acne. Someone wanted to know if rubbing alcohol would cure acne. Such ideas about acne are widespread. It is not only rubbing alcohol, but also whites of eggs, toothpaste, tanning and other miracle cures for acne. Let us find out if rubbing alcohol will help.

Acne- why it forms?

Once you understand why acne forms, you can decide what will help. Because of hormonal changes in the body, the sebaceous glands that are always open start getting blocked. Because of this block the sebum that is produced by the glands gets accumulated inside the gland. This is the beginning of acne. If the gland were open the sebum would have gone out on the skin. We now have a gland that is everyday getting bigger with more sebum. The bacteria P.acnes loves this sebum and begins multiplying in the gland. This infects the gland. Now we have a gland that is full of sebum, dead cells and bacteria. The body sends white cells to fight the bacteria. So pus also gets inside the gland. This inflating gland that is called a pimple, bursts when it can no more hold the matter inside. You land up with acne scar.

Acne- treatment

the acne treatment is directed towards keeping the gland open, reducing sebum production, and killing the multiplying bacteria. If one can take steps to treat all these three issues the acne will get cured. Rubbing alcohol will only kill any bacteria that are present on the skin. It will not help in keeping the gland open or reducing the sebum production. It is also doubtful about how much alcohol will reach inside the acne and kill the bacteria there. It is therefore not advised to try treating acne with rubbing alcohol.

DoctorGoodSkin.com is a comprehensive guide for acne and other skin conditions. You will find all the information, articles and tips on skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to learn more about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc. If you love solving quizzes, Funquizcards has many quizzes on different topics such as personality, love, dating, career etc.

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