วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Acne Treatment Tips You Can Use Today

Dealing with acne can be embarassing at any age. Luckily, there are
a number of things you can do everyday to make sure your skin is less
prone to flare ups. Here are five tips for taking control of your
acne starting today.

1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off
negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and
depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off
acne that can result from your workout routines. Watch what you put
on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment.

For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look
great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are
susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend
to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy.
Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to
allow more air to get to your skin.

And when you are finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet
from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean
clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty
headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne
problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout

2. Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are
similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled
noncomedogenic or oil-free. Shimmering facial colors can contain a
flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog
pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions
are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.

More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a
matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the
more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more the
pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier
concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions,
meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding
facial areas.

3. Diet - Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the
cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne
preventative care is this: what is best for your body is best for
your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your
body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins,
minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help
conquer acne breakout.

4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh
scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin
irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what has
washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle
exfoliation ingredients are OK to use; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruit
shell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alcohol products when
possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause
your glands to product more oil, clogging pores in the process.

If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them. Remember
that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking
blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further
troubling the region and possibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek
help from a dermatologist for alternative treatments.

5. Shaving - Shaving for both genders is actually an excellent way
of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and
spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And
for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid
whiteheads and blackheads from the face. A word of caution: for areas
with infection or high inflammatory activity (redness, sensitive,
open acne, sores, etc.), do not shave. Or at the very least, use a
shaving cream for sensitive skin!

James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:


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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Removal

Those who have battled with acne may have acne scars. Acne scar removal is possible in many cases. Acne scar removal is something you may want to consider if you would like to have the scars reduced or removed.

Acne scar removal is an area that you should discuss with your doctor. Your doctor may take your age and health into consideration before considering an acne scar removal procedure. Other questions your doctor may ask before recommending acne scar removal are whether you tolerate certain medications and procedures. Before you have acne scar removal you need to find out how severe your scar is and what type.

Dermabrasion is one kind of acne scar removal procedure. During this acne scar removal treatment the top layers of skin are removed. After this type of acne scar removal treatment your skin should heal and look smoother.

Another type of acne scar removal procedure is the chemical peel. If you try this acne scar removal procedure, the top layer of skin is removed using chemicals. The skin will regenerate and should look better.

Some people prefer collagen injections as an acne scar removal treatment. Collagen is injected under the skin and is often used to improve acne scars.

Laser resurfacing is another acne scar removal possibility. Laser resurfacing is a procedure that uses high-energy light. If you try this kind of acne scar removal treatment you may find the acne scars will be minimized.

If you have really deep scars you may want to consider this type of acne scar removal treatment; punch grafts. Punch grafts will replace scarred skin.

There are several ways to deal with acne scar removal; hopefully one of the above will be helpful for you.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com. He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne treatment information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Fighting Diet - Diets That Cure Acne

After reading this article, you will be able to discover the diets that are capable of fighting your acne. Some diets are effective in curing your acne in the sense that they contain some vital vitamins and minerals that help to nourish and keep the skin looking fresh all day. Some of the acne product we see in the store or in ads are made from natural ingredients and then preserved into an artificial form. If we are able to get these ingredients in their natural form; they will play a more active role in clearing our skin rather the artificial products we purchase from stores that sometimes leave side effects on our skin. Some of the top acne fighting diets are:

Organic green tea: they are rich in anti-inflammatory chemical called catechins. They play a vital role in helping to prevent our skins from fine lines, which are otherwise known as acne scars. Organic green tea helps to fight acne free radicals. So you've known that organic green tea plays 2 vital roles in helping to clear your skin of acne.

Red carrots: they are rich in vitamin A. You must have known by now that sources of vitamins, especially vitamin A, are adequate for clearing acne. Their fiber content is essential for your body and it helps to detoxify your skin. You should make a priority to eat about 10 carrots per day. It does fight acne problems.

Walnuts, ginger, garlic, water melon and berries: all these fruits mentioned above fights your acne problems in one way and the other.

What they do:
1. By eating ginger and garlic or by eating adding them to your meals; you will help to fight swelling and redness caused by acne. They are very effective in reducing the redness of the face.

2. All kinds of berries mainly cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries have a high content of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals play the function of protecting the skin cells. The acne scars which are dead skin cells (black spots) are cured with the berries named above.

3. Other functions of the above named diets are that they help to keep the skin plump, flexible and remove the unwanted toxins in our skin.

Remember to rub water melon on your face daily, they leave your skin looking beautiful. I am not just writing this article by experience, but my research also has it that the diets I mentioned above are of scientific evidence. There are some other diets that help to fight acne but the ones I mentioned above are the most active types.

AcneFreein3Days is your complete step-by-step guide which you can follow to clear your acne in as little as 3 days. It contains natural ways which you can use to cure your acne; so you won't have to border about side effects from the use of cosmetics. As an acne expert, it gets my full recommendation. A trial will convenience you. Check it out at http://myacnefreein3daysreview.blogspot.com

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne No More

This is a very comprehensive 220 page, effective acne treatment program (acne health plan). It does what it says on the cover, if "Acne No More" doesn't cure your acne problems then nothing else will. This is not an overnight cure for acne. The acne treatment plan cures your acne gradually and permanently. Some of these overnight cures, cures the acne fast, but then it comes back again and again.

Acne no more is 100% natural so you won't suffer any side effects associated with harsh acne medications. The source of the acne problem is cured from the inside out, not just the acne on the face (outside) like many other (harsh) facial medications. This book explains acne causes, the truth about acne, foods to avoid and why.

The truth about acne explains: the skin, the immediate causes of acne, types of acne and medicine vs natural. Also explained, why using antibiotics and other over the counter creams and ointments are ineffective to acne over the long run. The main factors that bring on acne are also explained.

A summary of Acne no more is given on page 52, with the five pillar health plans. On page 60 you are given a mini program, but if you have severe acne it would be best to complete the full program. You are also shown how to relieve or control stress, sleep optimization, exercise and skin care.

This book does not only explain how to get rid of your acne forever, but it also gives you loads of other information related to acne. Some call it the "acne bible". You also receive some extra ebooks (bonuses) with this ebook. This is real value for money, as you will save a fortune in medications.

For more information concerning acne and pimples you can visit:

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Diet - Acne Cure Diet Treatment

Have you ever thought possible that the reason you have acne is due to your eating habits? Well that's true. If you have bad eating habits, your diet is most likely playing a negative role in your acne skin disorders. If your body lacks certain vital nutrients, you can generate acne and on the other hand, certain type of foods can just worsen your existing acne or create new ones.

Our bodies contain toxins and by our ways of eating, these can accumulate much more and when food and toxins are not effectively processed by our digestive system because it lacks certain important nutrients, some get released through the skin in the form of acne for instance.

So if you're not paying proper attention to your nutrition, you better do so now. What you need is a balanced healthy diet containing all the vital nutrients your body needs. Opt for natural foods as far as possible including most of the following:

(1) Vegetables

Green beans
Brussel sprouts

(2) Fruits

Water melon

(3) Complex Carbohydrates

Sweet Potato
Wholewheat bread
Wholewheat pasta
Brown bread
Brown rice

(4) Protein

Opt for lean meat.

Skinless chicken breast/turkey breast
White fish
Lean beef

Egg whites
Red lentils

(5) Healthy Fats

Get your intake of healthy fats.

Olive oil
Omega-3 fish oil(Mostly found in oily fish like salmon, sardine, trout, herring)
Canola oil

The above list is in no way an exhaustive list but these foods can form part of your acne cure diet treatment and you will get positive results from your acne problems.

Also, be sure to drink lots of water and add exercises in your daily activities. And limit foods containing saturated fats mostly from animal fats, oily, fried and greasy foods, refined sugars, alcohol, coffee, processed foods eg canned foods. What we ingest in our bodies can have a positive or negative effect because our bodies assimilate it differently. If it's good quality food, it will reward our body and if it isn't, it will have a bad effect.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

About The Author

Jean Lam used to struggle with acne for years until he discovered this 1 acne remedy which changed his life for good.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Can Detox Diet Really Cure Acne?

Diet plays an important role in keeping your health. The diet plan offered by Detox Diet is as excellent for skin problems like acne as it is for problems of other body organs. Many factors influence the condition of skin which comprises of age, nutrition and hormonal environment of the body. Inheritance is also an important factor. Although there are some experts who do not believe in the influence of the nutrition on skin, but the research has proved the saying “you are what you eat” and you can see it in your skin.

Diet Effects Skin and Cures Acne:

Research work has shown that food plays a big role in acne and other skin problems rather it has a direct influence. Some foods can actually flare up acne lesions such as animal fats that are rich in saturated fatty acids. Abundant use of water is good for keeping the skin healthy and so is the use of vitamins, appropriate minerals and proteins.

Acne and Detox Diets:

If we keep in mind the outcomes of research works about the effect of diet on skin, mentioned above we may anticipate that the best Detox Diet for acne should include moderate use of water, proteins, vitamins and minerals and the saturated fats in the food should be kept to the minimum in the best Detox Diet for acne.

1) Proteins:
It has been proved that the liberal use of proteins in diet helps in preventing flare ups of acne lesions. There are some enzymes in the body that stimulate the production of fats in lubricating glands (sebaceous glands) of skin and this is an important feature our best Detox Diet for acne accounts for. Formation of these enzymes is controlled when diet is rich enough in proteins, in turn controlling the production of fats by these glands so that it should not reach the extent that make clog the pours and start acne.

2) Water:
It is one of the best cleansing agent and important ingredient of all best Detox Diet for acne. Best Detox Diet for acne flushes out the poison Substances from the body and decreases skin problems. So it is a must ingredient of the best Detox Diet for acne.

3) Citric Acid:
Grapes and citric foods are all rich in citric acid and are one of the most important ingredients of any best Detox Diet for acne. For that matter they are also vital content of best Detox Diet for acne.

How to Handle Undesired Effects:

Even with the best Detox Diet for acne, one may experience undesired effects which include even the flare up of acne lesions but that does not mean that it should lead to the termination of the diet plan rather it should be taken as an expected reaction of the body. It should give hope that the diet is going to achieve the expected results. The person should be encouraged to continue the best Detox Diet for acne with the hope that acne shall rapidly clear after this reaction. These reactions are quite common even with the best Detox Diets for the acne although most of them last for brief periods.

Long Term Diet plan for Acne:

If we want a permanent cure for acne and other skin problems by nutritional management then short term Detox Diet plans do not perform satisfactory. The patients should be educated to stick to a healthy diet plan like best Detox Diet for acne, for the rest of their life. Also high motivation will be needed. A best Detox Diet for acne off and on will complement dietary schedule by cleansing body system.

You can also find more info on detox diet and rapid detox program. Detoxdiethelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know how to get best health diets.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne No More, Who is This For?

The market has recently registered a boom in the number of "know-how" materials regardless of whether they are courses, programs, e-books or videos. They all attempt at solving a nasty and apparently hard-to-live-with aspect of our lives, providing practical tips and tricks to avoid getting in trouble all over again.

Acne No More is a course book that falls precisely in this category, teaching people some very practical methods to get rid of this skin condition for good by applying holistic treatment solutions.

Acne No More course peculiarity

For the proper treatment of a recurrent problem like acne, one needs to tackle with all the factors that can create a good infection environment. This is the real reason why Acne No More is considered a holistic approach since it addresses almost all the issues that are known to be related to acne somehow: diet, detoxification, cosmetic skin cleaning products, hormonal imbalances, organ malfunctions and so on.

Solutions, tips and practical advice are provided not only for curing acne but also for preventing it. Acne No More could be your ticket to an acne free life! Nevertheless, the big thing that strikes you when reading the promotional materials for the Acne No More course is that it seems too good to be true.

The advertising of the course is rather classic for this kind of products: aggressive advertising message, big promises and highly positive testimonials. Such considerations are not meant to diminish the importance or value of the Acne No More material, but they are definitely the element that makes you read between the lines.


Do not take all the specifications present in Acne No More as the thumb rule. Maybe you are allergic or simply dislike some of the food recommended in the book as a solution to treating the acne; this is just an example of a contradiction that can occur, do not be afraid to follow your instinct. Following advice doesn't mean falling in the other extreme; therefore, make sure to ponder each and every tip you find in Acne No More and see whether it works for you or not.

Common sense is probably the most convincing and reliable analysis factor one can have as a user of the Acne No More course. All in all, don't be afraid to make your own judgments and choose those things that are the most advantageous for you.

Is there anything else you need to know about Mike Walden's Acne No More or any other health product for that matter? Read my professional unbiased reviews on health products at:


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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Nodules Natural Treatment - Natural Ways To Improve Your Acne Condition

Acne is not a pleasant thing to have, no matter how you look at it, each of those spots is ugly. And you want to get rid of those acne nodules as fast as possible. In this article, I would like to share with you some of the most effective natural treatments that I have used to cure my acne condition. Using these methods, I was able to put an end to acne that had troubled me for 9 years in less than 3 months. Not to brag here, but to convince you about the effectiveness of the methods that I am going to cover.

1. Ginger Juice

You might have never heard about drinking ginger juice to clear up acne, but tell you what, it works like magic. Ginger has anti-inflammatory ingredients that can get rid of acne and reduce swelling and redness caused by acne.

If it's possible, drink half cup of pure ginger juice twice a day. One in the morning and one before going to bed.

2. Drink more water

Water detoxifies your body and removes harmful elements out of your body. The standard 8 glasses of water a day is never enough. You should drink more than 12 glasses of water depending on your body.

3. Sleep more

There is no scientific proof that shows sleeping's connection to acne condition. But getting more sleep seems to be helping with acne. Sleeping regulates the hormonal system of your body and for this reason, your body will release less androgenic hormones, which are one of the main causes of acne vulgaris. Sleeping also stimulates the immune system.

4. Aloe Vera

If it is possible, plant some aloe plants in your home garden, as it is one of the best natural remedy to treat skin disorders like acne. It contains bursts of beneficial nutrients for your skin and will do a lot to heal your acne. By applying aloe vera directly to your face, your face will experience accelerated healing, which is some thing very good to heal acne and it's scars.

Use only fresh, pure aloe vera if possible, day and night, three days a week after cleansing your face properly, and expect your face to look better in no time at all.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has the antibacterial ability to kill acne-causing bacterias such as p.acnes and it's strength is comparable to that of benzoyl peroxide. Tea tree oil also causes less irritation than most of the topical acne medication. Without any doubt, tea tree oil is the best natural remedy to treat acne.

Using these methods, I have cured my acne. If you are willing to try a few of these treatments you will experience a positive improvement over your acne condition.

If you are interested in learning how to cure your acne quickly and effectively without scarring and spending the big bucks, you can visit my acne site at http://acne-miracle.blogspot.com It will show you every thing you need to cure your acne spots.

Learn my top 5 secrets to cure acne forever!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Inversa

Acne inversa also known as hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory disorder of sebaceous follicles and terminal hair follicles. To put it in simple words acne inversa is basically a disease which is caused in the inverse areas of body such as arm pits and similar parts which have skin to skin contact with each other and where apocrine glands and hair follicles are found.

Acne inversa becomes evident as a series from single boil-like, pus-filled abscesses, or hard sebaceous lumps, to painful, deep-seated, often inflamed clusters of lesions with chronic seepage involving significant scarring. The parts of the body where the abscesses are large as baseballs are extremely painful if touched and they remain on that body part for years with occasional to frequent periods of inflammation, culminating in drainage, often leaving open wounds that will not heal and even these are often triggered by stress, hormonal changes, or humid heat. Drainage of the lumps provides some relief from severe, often weakening, pressure pain; however, pain occurs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the acne inversa patients and at times it becomes extremely unbearable.

Now when this abscesses remains for years it is quite understandable that it may cause other problems as well as the bacteria have the highest tendency to gather here. Hence these may lead to the formation of sinus tracts, or tunnels connecting the abscesses under the skin. At this stage, complete healing is usually not possible, and progression of the disease in the area is inevitable.

As I have already mentioned drainage takes place from the prolonged acne inversa may have a foul odor, fever and fatigue caused by acute inflammation and the physical restrictions caused by pain and skin deformation. Due to this pain people often cannot work, drive, exercise or even perform day-to-day tasks, and are ashamed to go out in public. People who are suffering from the acne inversa not only have to go through severe pain of their inversa but also they get depressed and hypertensive because they are unable to go out in public and usually people try to avoid people who show these kind of symptoms of acne inversa.

One thing that should be informed via this article that acne inversa remains untreated for years because the people suffering from this acne are usually embarrassed to go out and even consult doctor for this issue and finally when they do go the acne has changed so much due to its occurrence from several years that the disease is frequently misdiagnosed. Only relatively few physicians are able to recognize it and even when they do, suggested treatments are often ineffective, temporary and sometimes even harmful. There is neither known cure nor any consistently effective treatment; what works for one person may not work for another. In advanced, chronic cases, surgery is often the choice, but recurrences of acne inversa are not uncommon.

Find out more about Acne Inversa as well as other Health issues by visiting getacnetips.com and gethealthtips.com

© 2006 GetHealthTips.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Therapy Choices

Acne is sadly a common problem experienced by people of all ages and not just teenagers. While mild cases of acne can last for between four and six years it is possible for extremely severe cases it can last in excess of twenty years. It is therefore vitally important that, as soon as a person shows signs of developing acne, medical advice is sought at the earliest opportunity so that treatment can begin.

There are a number of acne treatments available over the counter. The most widely used, over the counter acne treatment, is a topical cream which has an active ingredient of azaleic acid or benzoyl peroxide which are incredibly successful with patients who have predominantly inflamed lesions. Other topical therapies in acne are antibiotics and retinoids. All of these topical acne therapies can be used alone or in a combination and it is a matter of experimentation to find the most effective.

When seeking an acne treatment the physician will first assess the severity of the acne and take a look at the type of lesions. He/she will then look at the history of the problem and attempt to determine the psychological effects of the disease upon the patient. Following this he will discuss the causes of the acne and the possible treatments available. Usually the first step in combating the disease is a course of oral antibiotics together with the topical therapies mentioned above.

If the oral antibiotics and topical therapies prove ineffective your physician may suggest prescribing you oral isotretinoin which is almost guaranteed success. It is important, that prior to commencement of any treatment, you understand the level of success likely to be experienced and the most likely time scales involved. It is highly likely that you will not see any visible improvements in your acne within the first month but by the second you should see an improvement of about 30%. It is common to see a 50% improvement after six months but it will be after around eight months that any serious improvements (around 80%) will be witnessed. Alarmingly P. acnes is showing increased resistance to antibiotics and this may have an effect upon the success of therapy and your family physician will need to adjust or change the therapy.

It should be noted that many topical preparations cause primary irritant dermatitis. It is extremely important that you do not assume that the treatment is not working and do not stop your treatment prematurely without further discussion with your G.P. In fact the truth is that if there is a total absence of skin irritation, when using benzoyl peroxide (and some retinoids), it is more likely that the topical therapy is not being used correctly. If you have suffered a reaction your doctor will suggest that you cease the treatment for a few days and apply moisturizers (and in some cases steroids) until the skin irritation subsides. Only after the irritation has passed should you resume your acne therapy and it is likely that your doctor will suggest a reduced frequency of application. Any changes in your skin during, acne treatment, should be reported but do not get too alarmed.

Adverse reactions can, and sometimes do, occur. Some can be rather alarming. The use of topical tetracycline can cause the skin to (temporarily) appear slightly yellow and it is known to fluoresce under certain lighting conditions. This may sound amusing but to a young teenager suffering from acne suddenly having your face glowing in the dark at a school disco could be disastrous and cause untold misery.

One treatment which has been scientifically proven to help in the treatment of acne is the cosmetic procedure known as microdermabrasion. Chemical peels can also help but microdermabrasion offers almost zero side effects. The only side effect would appear to be a temporary reddening of the skin's surface but it is extremely important that you follow any after care treatment or advice given by your consultant. You should also avoid direct sunlight for, at least, a couple of days.

It is important to note that microdermabrasion is never carried out upon active acne. The treatment of unaffected areas of skin greatly helps reduce the likelihood of new acne developing there. As old acne lesions heal more unaffected skin is made available for microdermabrasion and less fresh acne lesions appear and, over time, there is steady improvement in the skin's appearance. If you are planning to incorporate microdermabrasion into your acne therapy you should first discuss it with your doctor. Furthermore, prior to your first session, you will have a consultation at the clinic during which all aspects of your acne treatment will be considered before discussion proceeds onto the subject of how your microdermabrasion treatment should proceed.

Felicity Kennedy has been involved in the promotion and marketing of professional microdermabrasion machines and treatments since the procedure first appeared in the United Kingdom. During this time it was necessary to investigate all aspects of skin care including medical problems such as acne.

http://www.microdermabrasioninfo4u.com takes a frank look at the treatment, it's successes and failures. One of the most interesting points of the site is to highlight some of the common tricks of the trade to enhance before and after photographs and helps to explain what you should reasonably expect to achieve with this popular treatment.

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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Education

If you think acne affects only teenagers, then think again. It commonly strikes adults on a daily basis. It can be overwhelming to start noticing breakouts of pimples, blackheads, or zits all over your face and you might not know what to do first.

Before you do anything else, visit or call your local, trusted pharmacist. Licensed pharmacists are always knowledgeable about skin products and will know which products will bring acne relief and which ones won't. Most pharmacists are very willing to help. If you don't already know one, try your local WalMart.

While you are at WalMart, check out some of the available natural remedies and products they have displayed near the pharmacy. Many natural products claim to completely cure your acne. Any good drugstore will also have displays of various supplements claiming to help with acne relief.

Educate yourself on the different causes of acne and you may discover what is causing your own skin to break out. Acne research is lengthy and still ongoing so experts are not absolutely certain about the precise causes of acne. There are a few possible causes, however, that everyone seems to be in agreement on.


Some medications, such as steroids, barbiturates, and anti-seizure drugs, are thought to contribute to skin disorders. Don't stop taking your prescribed medications, though, before first checking with your physician to see if they could be causing your acne.

Emotional Stress

Increasing evidence suggests that stress may contribute to acne and other skin problems. If you are stressed, try developing an exercise program and following it regularly. Exercise is a proven stress-buster.


Chocolate has not yet been proven to cause acne. Many people insist that eating chocolate will make you break out in pimples but no amount of research has ever proven this theory to be true.


Since acne is triggered by plugged or blocked pores, we can safely assume that make-up and other cosmetic products containing oil will contribute to acne. Even "safe" products (those that are hypoallergenic and oil-free) may contribute to blackheads or zits because they cover up the skin. Any cosmetic product applied to the skin has the potential to clog the pores and interfere with acne treatment.

Frequently Scrubbing your Face

Acne-prone skin should always be kept clean, but only mild products should be used to wash it gently. Many people are under the impression that they should scrub their skin using harsh soaps when they have acne but this only aggravates and worsens the condition.


High humidity and other unnatural environmental conditions (i.e. smog, fog) can promote acne as well as other disorders. If skin is exposed to humid conditions for a prolonged period of time, swelling occurs (which blocks the pores, thereby contributing to acne).

Dietary habits

Many people notice that certain foods they eat cause their acne to flare up. Your dietary habits can certainly contribute to breakouts and you should note the products causing the most problems so that you can avoid them in the future.

Common food culprits thought to worsen acne include fats and dairy products. Diets rich in zinc should be beneficial if you have acne. Taking zinc supplements is one alternative you might consider for the relief or treatment of acne.

Learn more about how to control acne and how to get rid of acne permanently at http://www.Acne-FreeSystem.com

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วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

3 Natural Treatments That Cure Acne Fast

If you have a severe case of acne, there is no doubt that you're looking to cure your acne fast. All acne sufferers are looking to cure their acne fast. But most acne sufferers think the only way to do that is to buy the latest over-the-counter products, that's completely wrong! You can cure your acne by using natural treatments that can be home-made. Most acne sufferers are unaware of treatments that can be made from the comfort of your home. So here are the natural treatments that will cure your acne fast...

3 Natural Treatments That Cure Acne Fast

What your skin needs is vitamins, and a lot of it! So the best way to get vitamins into the skin is to apply a potato. That sounds really stupid but it does actually work. What you do is slice a poptato in half, and rub the flat edge along the acne areas. The alkaline in the potato actually breaks down the bacteria inside the pores. And the vitamins remove the redness that is caused by acne and improve your complexion.

You have probably heard of the effective lemon or orange juice method, right? NO? Well using lemon juice you can control your acne, and prevent acne break outs. What you do is; squueze some of the lemon juice onto a cotton pad and then apply to your acne areas, then wash off with warm water after you've left the solution on for 10 minutes or so. You can also use orange juice. It's a bit like trial and error, test both lemon and orange juice and see which one works better.

You can also use lemon juice in a completely different way, what you do is; mix lemon juice and rose water together, 50 / 50. And then apply the solution to your acne areas, leave on for 30 minutes then simply wash off with warm water.

I hope you find these 3 Natural Treatments That Cure Acne Fast useful, good luck with it, and don't forget the key to getting rid of your acne fast is to stick to a plan, and don't switch products or solutions often!

Thomas Lee Dean had a severe case of case, you can learn the ways he managed to cure acne.

StopTheAcne.com provides a very useful E-Course and gives you a step-by-step guide on how to achieve an acne free face!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Get Rid of Back Acne Naturaly

Acne is an ordinary problem among both teenagers and adults, and, as more people seek cures, more information becomes accessible about this condition. When most people think of acne, they think of the facial type, since that is where it is usually seen. That is, however, not the only area of the skin where acne can appear. Acne is also common on the body, mostly back & chest and is often harder to treat when found on these areas. This is, partially, because the skin on the back is thicker than that on the face, so it is needed to use special skin care products on this area. The back is also in continuous contact with clothes and other materials that might irritate the skin, which can additionally aggravate the condition.

Acne is caused from excess oil on the skin that builds up and forms pimples. Acne prevention is the best way to get rid of back acne, but it can be harder to implement for this area.

Like with facial acne, it is crucial to stick to a daily skin care schedule especially if you want to get rid of back acne. This includes a cleanser, lotion, and perhaps a moisturizer. Glycolic acid is also supposed to work well with such a course of therapy.

The clothes you wear can also have an effect on your acne. Tight garments can rub against your skin, which will worsen your condition, and can also make you sweat more. Sweat will, in turn, cause excess oil generation, which will cause even more breakouts.

Very important when trying to get rid of back acne is to try to figure out what could be causing it or helping to aggravate it. If you carry a heavy backpack, especially day after day, and have particular trouble with acne in the back, you might try changing to a shoulder bag, or pack with carrying handles. Once your spots clear up, try using the backpack once again. If the irritation comes back, you will know at least one of the causes, and eliminate it for good.

Also avoid wearing rough clothing, as it irritates the afflicted area, which can worsen existing acne and cause new breakouts.

Similar to other types of acne, back acne can be mild, moderate, or severe. It is essential to recognize the form and severity of your condition so you can treat it right. Skin type also has a major role in the treatment of acne. Various skin types require diverse treatments, and react in a different way to products.

The most important thing you should do when trying to get rid of back acne is learning how to prevent acne! If you are using over-the-counter products, along with a thorough prevention strategy to get rid of your back acneand nothing seems to work, seek the advice and care of a dermatologist who can help you get a treatment that is precisely planned out for you.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Solutions - The Best Solution For Acne Scars

Acne scars are left behind as marks after the acne heals. If they are not treated on time, it can lead to permanent scarring. As it affects one's self image, a lot of people spend considerable amount of money in finding a solution for their acne scars.

There are a lot of lotions and acne scar solutions that are being marketed online that make promises to get rid of your acne scar and give you a clear skin. Be warned that most of them are just empty promises and can actually cause more harm than good.

First step in treating your acne scar is to understand the type of scar that you have. Once you do that, you can identify the right treatment to heal the scars. Mild scars will go away on its own in a few days or can be helped by means of topical treatments like home remedies.

Some of the popular home remedies are:

1) Using Aloe Vera for acne scars
2) Apple Cider Vinegar solution on the face
3) Sandal wood paste and Neem paste
4) Tea tree oil face wash

For severe scars, the above remedies may not be of much help. It might require surgical procedures or more abrasive methods for removing the acne scars. One of the most recommended treatments for acne scar removal is chemical peel treatment. It consists of a chemical peel solution which needs to be applied on the skin. This will result in peeling of the top skin layers exposing the new inner skin.

Chemical peel solutions for acne scars come in different strengths and concentrations. Stronger peels are needed to remove deep rooted scars while milder ones would do for mild scars. Chemical peels also bring about a reduction in acne breakouts and pimples.

Home administrable peel solutions for acne scars are becoming more popular as they can help you get rid of your acne scars as well as years and years of collected dead cells and debris from the face and make your skin looking young and healthy. You can do all this at a very affordable price at the comfort of your own home.

Visit Acne Scar Remedies to find a review of the only Home Chemical Peel that is approved by FDA for safe home use

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Christie Simon writes for acnescar-removaltreatments.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Curing Acne - Household Ingredient Remedies

Practically everyone has had acne in their life and it can be very frustrating when considering the various remedies for treating it. Many people have wasted thousands of dollars just trying out new products and other ways to cure their acne problems. Why pay such high prices for something when you aren't sure it will work? Instead, turn to homemade remedies, which are cheap and risk free and give it a shot.

Here are some methods that you can use to help the "acne curing process". The best part about these methods is that most of the supplies can be found in your very own kitchen.

Baking Soda: Baking soda can be used as a great scrub substitute. It exfoliates the skin, removes the dead skin cells on your skin and unclogs your pores in the process. Mix small amounts of water with the baking soda so it has a paste like form, then gently massage it on your skin for about ten to fifteen seconds. Once that is done, begin rinsing it off with water and then dry the area with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar is a commonly used ingredient to cure acne; as it not only kills the bacteria, which is a big contributor to acne problems, but it balances your skin's pH level and absorbs excessive oil from your skin. The vinegar should be diluted before you begin the process: approximately eight parts water and two parts vinegar. Once that is done, apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, leave it there for about ten minutes, then rinse it off a bit later. It can also be applied to larger problem areas, whereas more of a concentrated vinegar solution (2 or 3 parts water with 1 part vinegar) is used.

Lemon and Lime: Lemon and/or lime juice can be used as another substitute for vinegar; as it contains citric acid. Either the lemon or the lime may be used for exfoliating purposes, which will also halt the growth or spread of acne infections.

Egg Whites: Another common and powerful method is that of egg whites. Egg whites, which are very rich in protein, can be used as a "mask" to heal and rejuvenate your skin, which helps to repair your acne problem areas. They also can be used to absorb a lot of excessive oil on your skin.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal, like many of these other products, absorbs excessive oil and draws out the impurities clogged deep inside your pores. Simply heat up some oatmeal, let it cool for a short while, then apply it to your face. Leave the oatmeal on your face for a little bit, then remove it after it starts drying up. Doing this method on a regular basis will show positive results, but it may take weeks to see the effects.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree Oil is one of the most commonly used all-natural household antiseptics that can be used to treat acne. You can strongly dilute it with some jojoba oil in order to treat your acne spots directly, killing off all the bacteria. Tea tree gel can also be applied to your entire face; as it is much more diluted and quite easy to apply.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Taking 2.5 grams of Pantothenic acid in tablet form, 4 times per day, will prove to be a gigantic help for those that suffer from acne. Pantothenic acid acts to help the body metabolize fats, which are later turned into sebum and excreted through the skin; which actually causes most acne problems. Pantothenic acid must be taken in large quantities, as small quantities will not have a very noticeable effect.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a tropical application for the treatment of burns. When applied to the skin, it helps by preventing scaring and fade marks, as well as helps in the healing process of acne spots.

In Conclusion, you don't have to be a rocket scientist or a millionaire in order to find a way to get rid of your acne. All it takes is some simple household products, which won't burn a hole in your pocket and a few minutes of your time. Surely, you can spare a few dollars and a few minutes in order to rid yourself of acne.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Secret That Will Clear Your Acne

There are many myths about acne, its cause and how to clear it. This leaves most sufferers not only frustrated about their skin, but also mystified about the whole subject. So let's clear up some misconceptions about acne and talk about the secret that will clear you up...

The first information about acne you might well read about is the whole process of the clogged glands leading to inflamed lesions. This is all that the 'experts' talk about when it comes to acne. But it's not saying anywhere near enough about the condition. It's like saying all there is to food is eating it, totally leaving out the fact that food needs to be grown/found/killed, then cooked and prepared BEFORE eating happens!

So there is more to acne than just the last stage of development of an acne lesion. But what is it?

Well, let me tell you about two types of food. One type is INFLAMMATORY (causes hormones to go berserk), others are ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (cause hormones to calm down.) What you eat is the beginning of whether or not you get acne (or any disease for that matter.)

And this is the secret fact about acne that the dermatologists choose to ignore and the acne companies claim is not true, so that they can sell expensive potions (cleansers and pills) that they know don't work, but which get repeat orders because they claim their product 'takes time' to work...

So the secret to clearing your acne is simply to change your diet. Easy as that. In fact, the most important food to avoid is vegetable oil. Do this for a few days and your acne will clear up DRAMATICALLY, just like mine did. To find out more great information on clearing your acne visit my free website now

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Information and Chemical Peels

Nearly everyone gets acne. No matter what your race or age may be, acne is a universal problem. Over 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30 have some type of acne breakout in their lifetime. While acne usually dissipates by the time most of us reach our 30's, some people experience adult acne well into their thirties and possibly longer.

Baby acne is also not entirely uncommon. Baby acne most often occurs a few weeks after your child's birth. While it may alarm you, the most important thing to remember is: Don't panic. The condition will usually go away on its own. You can help your baby's skin by not using creams or oils and try to avoid over-scrubbing their faces. It's probably safe to say that the acne is not bothering your baby, so try not to let it bother you. Baby acne should go away in 4 to 6 months as your child's hormones level out.

In case you were wondering, the scientific name for acne is acne vulgaris, which sounds just dreadful but literally means "common acne." This is the type of acne that affects more teenagers and adults later in life, and is not to be confused with Rosacea. Cystic acne occurs when your skin glands become plugged with oil causing lesioned outbreaks commonly referred to as pimples or zits. Pimples occur on the face, neck, shoulders, back, and chest, but acne on the arms and legs are not unusual.

Many myths are often associated with acne. For example, there is little evidence that chocolate or greasy foods have any involvement in development of acne nodules. Another common misconception is that dirty skin and poor hygiene causes acne, however, it's normally an allergic reaction to bacteria in your pores that can cause acne and unfortunately, scrubbing won't solve the problem.

What we know for sure about acne is that it is caused by hormonal changes in adolescents and young adults, but the exact reason why some people get acne and others don't, or why some people get much worse acne breakouts than others is unknown. We do know that acne is at least partially hereditary, which speaks more to a genetic predisposition and not something that can be physically changed or altered in your every day routine. However, when dealing with existing acne there are acne treatments available to you that will certainly help your active acne.

Since the causes of acne are still somewhat unclear, the treatments for acne vary. It's good to keep in mind that while some acne treatments really do work, not all acne treatments work the same for everyone. What is successful for controlling acne with one person might not necessarily be effective for someone else. Successful acne treatments and acne products include topical bactericidals, topical and oral antibiotics, hormonal treatments for women, topical retinoids (Retin-A), or oral retinoids (such as Accutane or Claravis). Retinoids work by influencing the lifecycle of the cells related to acne. Solutions for fighting acne while building stronger, healthier skin include IPL Photofacial, Blue Light Therapy, Thermage, Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Chemical Peels, and Microdermabrasion.

The average acne treatment usually takes up to 6-8 weeks before you start seeing results. It's important to remember to continue your treatment once your acne improves or clears, since acne is a genetic attribute it will return. If acne cysts do not improve in those 8 weeks, your acne treatments might need to be adjusted. With so many acne treatments it's important to find one that works best for you.

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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scars - Home Remedies to Treat Acne Scarring

Acne scars are an unfortunate condition that many people suffer from. Since they are nearly always located on the face, acne scars can cause a lot of self conciousness and grief for many. Luckily, there are many home remedies that can drastically reduce scarring in many individuals. Acne scar home remedies are everywhere. Most of them are passed down from generation to generation. They are widely spread on the internet and elsewhere. So how do you know which home remedies really work and which ones are just old wives tales? Acne scars are nothing to play with, so always do your research before applying anything to the sensitive skin on your face.

Most acne scar home remedies involve natural products that you can find in a grocery store. These including items like lemons and limes, cucumbers, tomatoes, and olive oil. Sounds like you're making a salad, doesn't it? While many people swear by these products, there is no medical backing showing they are effective. Many of these remedies are made up and passed around without anyone questioning their effectiveness. That's why you need to be especially careful when choosing a topical product to apply to your face. Incorrect usage of these products could worsen acne scars and damage your skin further.

Before you start pouring olive oil on your face and slicing up cucumbers, think about what medical properties could possibly make these things work. For instance, Aloe Vera has proven anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that make it a good choice for scar removal. What does a tomatoe contain that makes it a good acne scar home remedy?

Don't get discouraged. There ARE acne scar remedies out there that do work. You really can reduce or eliminate acne scarring in most cases. Just be cautious when following advice found on the internet and use your best judgement.

For more information on acne scar removal and the best acne scar remedies, check out The Scar Solution. It's the most effective scar treatment product on the net, and it's guaranteed to work.

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Marks Home Remedies

Having acne is hard enough alone to deal with but when it leaves scars it can be devastating to some as it can change their appearance. Many people think that there is nothing they can do where acne marks are concerned but there are actually acne marks home remedies that you can do to help lessen the scars.

Having large pores and being left with acne marks or scars are two of the biggest down falls of having acne problems. Thankfully there are things that you can do to shrink your pores and to lesson the appearance of the acne scars. Below is a list of some of the best home remedies that you can use to help in getting rid of the marks that acne leaves behind.

1. One great treatment for large pores is a paste that is made from sandalwood powder and black gram dal. It is best to leave it on over night and then rinse it off with cool water in the morning. You can adjust the time if you find that your skin is dry when you get up. You can also try adding some milk to the paste to make it easier on the skin.

2. A great way to tighten your pores would be to rub ice over your skin. It helps to contract the pores, giving them a smaller appearance.

3. Many people do not realize that they can use the juice from a cucumber to help tighten their pores or the marks that acne leaves behind. You would apply it directly to your skin and then rinse it after 15 minutes.

4. Tomatoes are also another thing found in your pantry that can be used to help in acne marks home remedies. Simply cut the tomatoes in half and rub on your skin. This would also be left on the skin for 15 minutes before rinsing off with water. This is a really good treatment for those with oily skin.

5. Drink plenty of water. You skin needs a great deal of water to help it stay plump and hydrated so be sure to drink at least the daily recommended about of water to keep your face as clear as possible. This is also a great way to help ward off bouts of acne.

If you find that some of the home remedies are not working for you then you may want to check with your doctor to see if there are any prescription medications or creams that you can use to help minimize acne marks. Many people find great relief and results with acne marks home remedies so be sure to try a few different ones. Some treatments may not work for everyone; the key is to find what works best for you and your particular condition. Do not try more than one treatment a day as you do not want to do more harm then good to your skin. With home remedies there are little to no side effects as most items can be found right in your kitchen.

The truth is, everyone wants acne free skin. However, many people do not want to spend a lot of money on over the counter medications. Learn some simple homemade acne treatments that you can make from items already found in your home.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Problems? 3 Ways How to Clear Acne Up - All Natural Techniques That Really Work

Without a doubt, acne is one of those things many of us experience in life that we wish we could avoid. They inconveniently show themselves when the last thing we want to worry about is how we look. Bacteria, clogged up pores, oily skin, or hormonal reasons are some of the most common causes of acne.

Some people turn to over the counter treatment but these products produce minimal results, and not to mention, they will not fully cure your acne. You can easily end up spending hundreds of dollars each month on these ineffective prescriptions that don't help you clear your acne up.

How To Clear Acne Up Naturally And Quickly

  1. Avoid Popping The Pimples: Popping a pimple can spread infection under the skin and produce even more pimples than you had before. However, if you do decide to pop your pimples, clean it with soap and water or rubbing alcohol to prevent infection.

  2. Remove Dead Skin Cells: Regularly remove dead skin cells by exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub with ground walnut shells. Try not to over exfoliate because this can cause irritation to the fresh skin you've just finished.

  3. Drink Plenty Of Water: If you stay hydrated it will help clear your acne up. The way water consumption helps your condition is by helping the waste management system in your body do it's job.

These methods will help you notice some improvements in your acne condition however, if you want to fully clear up your acne permanently then you should use an all natural method proven to stop this problem for good.

Based on proven medical facts, this natural acne treatment is the fastest way How To Clear Acne Up Permanently. If your serious about getting rid of your acne for good then Click Here to learn more about this natural acne treatment which uses a special technique to Clear Up Acne and Acne Scars giving you back your beautiful skin.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

African American Acne Skin Care - Great List of Tips

Acne is an annoying condition that can cause pain and embarrassment. Unfortunately, the condition can affect people from all areas and ethnic backgrounds. Many products are available for anyone suffering from acne. However, African American acne skin care is also available to help this particular ethnic group overcome the skin disorder.

If you are of African American descent and want to treat your acne, you should consult with a dermatologist. Many people believe that people with darker skin are not prone to sun damage or conditions suffered by other ethnic groups. The reality is that the extra melanin present in darker-skinned individuals makes their skin more sensitive and vulnerable to injury. This is why African Americans may be much more prone to scarring if they suffer from acne for long periods of time.

Fortunately, dermatologists and the health care industry are starting to realize that darker-skinned individuals require different skin care. Traditional products and methods were focused on combating acne and conditions for lighter-skinned individuals. Fortunately, new products are being developed specifically for people of different ethnic backgrounds. These products are often much gentler and less abrasive on the skin.

After extensive research, many products and treatment methods now reduce the risk of a condition called hyper or hypopigmentation that is prevalent in African Americans. The term refers to dark or light spots that appear on the skin and can result from acne. Treatments such as chemical peels are often used to combat acne. However, they are applied with a lower-strength solution for darker-skinned individuals. New lasers that transmit longer pulses are also used for different ethnic groups as they are better-suited for pigmented skin. Treatments such as Restalyne and collagen injections are also not suited for African Americans who have an increased tendency to develop raised scar tissue, known as keloids.

African Americans are not immune to skin disorders such as acne. However, the increased pigment in their skin requires special care to treat the condition. These individuals should choose special products geared towards sensitive skin. They should also find dermatologists who will perform procedures specifically tailored to darker-skinned individuals.

For information on African American acne skin care, try visiting http://www.acnehomeremedycure.com, a popular website that offers acne remedy home cure tips, advice and resources to include information on how to buy acne skin care products.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Dry Skin Acne Treatment - 12 Tips For Dry Skin With Acne

Some people believe that only people with oily skin get acne This isn't true. People with all skin types can get acne If you are looking for a dry skin acne treatment or tips for dry skin with acne then this article will really help. Here are 12 tips to help you manage your dry acne prone skin.

1. Try Tea Tree on acne Tea tree oil can kill acne causing bacteria and it usually does not cause any irritation. If you are wondering about Tea Tree oil cost, it is very inexpensive. You can purchase it for about $10.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They are good for your skin and are rich in vitamins and minerals. This can help you maintain your complexion and can help prevent acne breakout.

3. Use Aloe Vera gel for acne It is a very good natural remedy for dry acne prone skin. It is very calming and contains lots of nutrients that are good for your skin. It also helps accelerate the healing process. Don't forget aloe vera for acne scars. Treat yourself to an aloe vera acne mask for 20 minutes!

4. Look for a moisturizer containing petrolatum and glycerin or Vitamin E.

5. Try Vitamin E for acne Attack dryness from the inside out by taking vitamin E supplements.

6. Wash your face with cool water and a Cetaphil dry skin cleanser. This is an over the counter cleanser that treats dryness from acne medications. If you are wondering where to buy Cetaphil, you can go to your local drugstore.

7. Avoid hot showers and baths to reduce the loss of your skin's natural oils and emollients.

8. Avoid soap to clear acne Soap is drying and irritates the skin.

9. Gently cleanse your face twice a day to get rid of dead skin cells that can cause blocked pores on your skin.

10. Use OTC Benzoyl Peroxide sparingly and always use a moisturizer afterwards. Remember, Benzoyl Peroxide products are very drying.

11. Wear sunscreen. Sunscreens for acne prone skin can also be purchased.

12. Drink plenty of water. Water clears acne and also hydrates. Keep the temperature down in the winter to control your humidity level and wear more clothes to keep warm. This will help you save money and will keep your skin from getting as dry.

These 12 tips for dry skin with acne are full of dry skin acne treatments that will help you control your acne and keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Visit http://www.acnesolutionsguide.com for more helpful acne tips and advice acne scars, acne home remedies, acne products, blackhead removal and fast acne treatments.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Natural Treatments

Acne breakouts can occur on people of all ages, beginning between the ages of ten and thirteen. There are many over-the-counter and prescription treatments for acne, as well as acne natural treatments. Acne occurs not only on the face and neck, but can also be prevalent on the back, with an occasional pimple on a limb on buttock. Bouts of acne appear in the form of whiteheads and blackheads when the pores of the skin become clogged. Nodules or cysts are deeper lumps that can be more difficult to get rid of.

There is the misconception that acne only occurs in teenagers, whereas it can occur for people even into their forties. Many people have a tendency to squeeze blackheads and whiteheads in an effort to get rid of them. This is not considered one of the most effective acne natural treatments, as harmful bacteria can then get into the lesion left and cause infection. Approximately 40% of teenagers require the professional treatment and prescription of a doctor to treat their acne break outs.

Acne is not focused on just on race or ethnicity. Individuals of all races and ethnicities can be susceptible to acne breakouts. Acne is also not age particular, as many people do not experience it until later adulthood. More males than females experience severe outbreaks of acne, but males tend to choose acne natural treatments, rather than consulting a dermatologist. Individuals with milder cases of acne can choose a variety of over-the-counter treatments, but since there are different causes, there are different products that work more effectively for each individual case of acne. Individuals suffering from severe acne are would be wise to consult a dermatologist.

There are also acne natural treatments that do not involve marketed products. These include certain types of vitamins, ingested and topical herbal remedies and changes in diet. Zinc is one mineral that has been proven to be successful in treating some forms of acne. Much acne is caused by hormonal changes and zinc has been proven to be effective in hormonal treatment. One must be careful about what is combined with zinc, as some substances can greatly impair the effectiveness of the zinc and even deactivate it. Being aware of foods high in natural zinc content and including them in your diet provides for much of the acne natural treatments.

Of course this is not saying that you simply take some vitamins and minerals and the acne will go away. Each individual acne cause is different, and each individual acne cure varies as well. One should be aware that some vitamins and minerals can do more harm than good. There are some herbs and herbal mixtures that are quite effective as one of the acne natural treatments. Further research in this area is wise; however, as some herbal treatments can be quite harmful to certain body organs.

Acne breakouts can occur on people of all ages, beginning between the ages of ten and thirteen. They also occur in all races and ethnicities. A wealth of information on acne natural treatments is available, but one should consult a physician before trying anything. Each person's body is different and thus reacts differently to varied remedies.

Acne Natural Treatment helps you cure acne naturally. Visit the site for more information on acne treatment.


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Options and Possibilities

There are two methods of acne treatment that you can follow: topical treatment and oral treatment. A combination of the two may be a solution if you suffer from moderate or severe acne.You must know some things about acne when you decide to follow an acne treatment. You must determine how much acne and the exact type of acne you have and you must know your skin type.

When selecting an acne treatment you must also start avoiding factors that produce acne, like dust, lack of hygiene, deficiencies of sleep, stress, bad diet and lack of exercise, everything that can lead your body not to function at its best. You also must know that you must stop new acne blemishes from developing by taking the appropriate acne treatment. Acne scars also must be treated and healed in a way so that you can prevent forming of new scars. You should know that you can control and cover visible lesions but not with an acne treatment that promises you fast healing, because no acne can be cured completely in less than six months, also skin improvements can be seen in about five weeks.

If you notice that you have acne and it is a stage of mild acne you can consider yourself lucky because this mild form of acne is very simply to heal and you must know that early treatment minimizes the possibilities for acne to get severe. Also if you have mild acne, treatments can be easier - in case of mild acne it is recommended to use topical treatments and at first only natural treatments.

Remember that a treatment for acne can not be completed in less than six months, in some severe cases of acne it can take years to completely heal the condition. Sometimes improvement can be slow, so do not give up if your acne skin condition doesn't get better in three weeks. If it passes more than five weeks and no change is visible, than go to a good dermatologist because this means that you must suffer from moderate acne or even severe acne and that you must take the situation in you hands and take a stronger acne treatment.

So when you want to choose a good acne treatment you must take in consideration the severity level of your acne and you also must put yourself some real goals for therapy. If you take an acne skin care treatment and you see that is not so effective, and if also has some side effects, you must immediately consult a good dermatologist and follow an acne treatment depending not only on your personal preferences.

The acne treatment depends on a few factors, like the type and severity of your acne (mild, moderate or severe inflamed acne), on what lesions you have. Acne treatments also depend on any previous experience that you had with other treatments, the response of your skin may be good to treatments that you try unless it has different ingredients, it is very important if skin irritates in contact of any specific ingredients and if it does, you must find out what these ingredients are. You must also take in consideration the sensitivity of your skin and the degree of oiliness.

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Remedies

Cystic acne can be called as a form of abscess which is shaped when oil ducts get clogged and infected. Generally, cystic acne is commonly seen in the teenage years and mainly affects on the face. Cystic acne which affects in the deeper skin tissue can result in more superficial inflammation when compared with ordinary acne. Cystic acne breakouts are painful and can result in deep scarring. Most dermatologists consider cystic acne as the most severe of its kind.

Cystic acne takes much time to heal as the infection is affected deep under one’s skin. In most cases the treatment for cystic acne is limited to oral medication and hence it is recommended that all cases need to be taken to a dermatologist. But there are several preventive measures and remedies which can be taken against cystic acne. For those looking for holistic remedies for cystic acne can consult an alternative medicine practitioner, while other more common procedures can easily be performed in the convenience of one’s home with no medical supervision.

Isotretinion is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for cystic acne treatment. The drug taken in pill form helps to treat inflammation, clogged skin pores, and excess oil production.

For females suffering from cystic acne oral contraceptives are used as a cystic acne remedy. This is considered as a safe cystic acne remedy and helps to suppress overactive sebaceous glands (oil producing). Besides an oral contraceptive, physicians also recommend a synthetic steroid to slow down other hormones which boosts the sebaceous glands.

Whatever cystic acne treatment your physician may prescribe, acne patients are required to be take special care of their health, and of course their skin. Acne patients are advised to cleanse their face daily at least two times a day. Keep in mind that bursting of cystic acne can result in producing scars. Hence keep your hands and fingers away from your face. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended as he/she can help you to choose the best cystic acne remedy which allows you to get rid of cystic acne.

Our experts have executed a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on the How to get rid of cystic acne guide.

More valuable acne info on http://www.leandernet.com/Acne/Acne_treatments.php

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Tips - Amazing DIY Home Remedy to Lighten Acne Scars

Are you suffering from marks left behind by your acne lesions? Every breakout seems to leave you some red or brown marks that just take ages to heal and resolve. Would it be great if you can use some DIY home remedy to speed up the healing process?

Some people are genetically prone to such scarring marks. It is actually a type of hyperpigmentation that results from factors such as your skin type and genetics. The good news is these red or brown marks are not considered severe acne scars. If there is not depression of the skin around it, the discoloration will eventually lighten over time. It could take months, are you able to wait it out?

In the meanwhile, besides trying to conceal the spots with the best concealer you can find, how can you lighten the marks significantly in a short time?

Very simple, just go to your nearest grocery or supermarket and get a bag of small red onions (known as shallots as well)!

How does this work? Shallots are rich in Vitamin C, quercetin and isothiocyanate, which is very effective in counteracting any swelling. These substances are also able to fight off harmful bacteria that are one of the causes of acne.

I have tried these two remedies myself...

1) To lighten acne scars and speed up the recovery of acne scars

First, peel of the onion skin, wash and slick it into very thin slices. Put one slice on each mark you wish to lighten. Do this daily once a day and keep it going for about a week. You should observe some improvement to your acne scars!

2) To treat acne and reduce oily secretions

You may need about 5-10 small red onions. Peel off the onion skin, wash and chop into smaller portions. With a blender, blend these onions together with cold water until it resembles a paste. Use a muslin bag to squeeze out juice from the onion paste. Refrigerate the red onion juice (so that it does not sting too much), and apply gently on the face after it is cold. Wash off.

Onion can also be used for burns and other wounds as well. Are you amazed at how easy and cheap these remedies are? Try it and let me know if it works for you too!

Discover more about how you can treat your acne naturally and effectively, without the use of drugs, at http://www.squidoo.com/ihateacne

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วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Treatment - The Whole Truth

Cystic acne break-outs can be painful and lead to deep scarring. Some dermatologists consider it to be the most severe kind because topical medications do not get to the root of the problem. It heals extremely slowly because it is so deep that the infection is trapped under the skin. Cystic acne treatment is usually limited to oral medication so all cases should be taken to a dermatologist.

Isotretinoin is the most common, and most potent drug prescribed for cystic acne treatment. It is a man-made form of retinoid (Vitamin A) that is taken in pill form. It is the only prescription that treats excess oil production, clogged skin pores, and inflammation. This pill is taken up to 20 weeks and commonly does not require more than one course of therapy to cure. The most serious side-effect to taking this medication is the possibility of birth defects to a developing fetus. For this reason, women are required to not be pregnant or get pregnant at any time during this treatment. Regular check-ups are scheduled for each patient using this medication to monitor any additional side effects.

Common side effects of using isotretinoin as a cystic acne treatment include: muscle aches, uncomfortable drying of the lips and eyes, depression, and chest pain. Some of these side effects can cause serious health problems in the future. Always contact your doctor if you notice any of these side effects.

Oral contraceptives are used as cystic acne treatment in females. It suppresses overactive sebaceous (oil producing) glands, and is safe to be used long-term. In addition to an oral contraceptive, the doctor may prescribe a synthetic steroid to inhibit other hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands.

If oral cystic acne treatment does not work, they may require drainage. This is considered acne surgery and should only be performed by a professional, in a sterile environment. If you attempt to squeeze or pick them yourself, the infection may last much longer than it would have. You may cause the infection to worsen and increase the inflammation and swelling.

For dramatically inflamed cysts, a dermatologist may decide to administer an injection with a highly-diluted corticosteroid to bring down the inflammation and increase the speed of healing. It is a generally painless procedure. It usually clears the cyst within a week and prevents rupturing and scarring. However, this is not the first choice of cystic acne treatment by most dermatologist because it only treats current acne.

In addition to the medications your dermatologist prescribes to you, be responsible for the health of your skin. Wash your face at least once a day, especially following exercise or other sweat-inducing activity. Do not wash your skin too often or it could result in drying out. Bursting of cystic acne will most likely result in scars, so avoid this at all costs. Make sure your hands and fingers stay away from your face. Your hands pick up dirt and germs with everything you touch and this coming in contact with your face can increase the chance of infection.

John Wellington is from AcneHelpZone.com providing people suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cure - 3 Ways to Cure Chronic Acne

Chronic acne can be a serious cause for worry. If you are aspiring to attend a cocktail party or head for an evening date, the chances are that your acne would never let you achieve your goals with ease. Listed below are three ways to solve this problem.

Keep Your Face Clean

One of the main reasons why your acne infection is allowed to spread is simply because you are unable to cleanse your face on a regular basis. In simple words, you need to wash your face with water and soap, twice daily. While a mild soap can be an appropriate solution to cleanse your skin, a face wash would be a better option.

Eat Healthy Food

Food which is rich in fat and heavy on oil is stated to cause a lot of problems. If you are aspiring to maintain a blemish free look, you need to try and avoid eating junk food and include fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and juices on a regular basis. The food you eat has a direct impact on your skin tone.

Make Use Of A Natural Supplement

You can easily hope to get rid of whiteheads as well as blackheads if you apply natural creams and lotions onto your affected area. Simply make use of a natural supplement and you can easily hope to retain a flawless skin tone.

Blemishes are a woman's biggest enemy. If you want to get rid of your whiteheads, you simply need to browse through the listed points and apply them to practical use.

Tired of spending too much on Acne Treatments We have natural cure for your acne which will help you get rid of acne permanently. Visit http://www.acnetreatmentsite.com for more information.

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