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Acne Solution, is It Finally Possible to Get Rid of Acne for Good

Acne solution?

This is what I am going to talk to you about. Why some people think that cleansing your body from the inside is the best way for a human being to get rid of acne.

But first, let me explain to you how acne has the tendency of popping up even when your skin is clean. Do you remember your skin's complex BEFORE you got to your puberty stage?

Yep...nice clear skin. No acne. This is what most people strive for their whole life by trying to find an acne solution. When puberty arrives, your body goes through a shock. Your hormome levels drop and spike all the time (especially females). Your follicles (pores) get clogged due to a access production of oil by the glands. The oil (also known as 'sebum') which is suppose to drain to the top of your skin also gets blocked in the same process. THIS is where the bacteria starts to grow and pimples start to form.

This process continiuos forever. Now you probably ask yourself, "but my puberty stage is lightyears ago?".

This is true, but let me clear that up. Do you know the saying, "you are what you eat"?.

Your body gets intoxicated everyday. Your lungs get intoxicated by the car passing you, the guy taking a puff next door or the energy waste plant a 100 miles from where you are. The whole earth is polluted and everyone suffers. The first "natural" acne solution is to cleanse your body of these toxins.

Eating right and drinking plenty of water is a great start, but it doesn't matter what you decide to eat, 90% of your daily food intake (no matter how healthy it looks) contains harmful chemicals that only further intoxicate your body. All these toxins play with your hormone levels and this is what causes the blocking of the pores.

It's not that difficult to understand that eating pizza all the time is going to leave you with a pizza face and that goes for whatever junkfood and chemical enhanced foods that you put into your mouth.

I thought that you as a normal 'pimple' sufferer or a severe acne sufferer should know about natural acne solutions.

It worked for me. My face is totally clear now and I never had better skin in my life. I wash my face every morning and night with a normal cleanser that I always used(even though it didn't work) and I take this special stuff. Before, the cleanser NEVER worked, after taking this stuff for a short while, I could see a dramatic difference.

Within a few weeks, my acne started to dissappear rapidly. Later on, it was totally gone! I now know that cleansing your body from the inside is the best way for a human being to start getting rid of acne.

Forget about struggeling your whole life. Not being able to comfortably look someone in the eye is a slowly but life-destroying process. You don't get jobs that easy, people ignore you...I can go on forever. Stop buying loads of cleansers and serums. Clean your body from the inside. It's the FIRST MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do and trust me, it works like a miracle and you never have to worry about acne again.

This acne solution has natural ingredients that work to take care of the skin. They help control free radicals that cause skin damage, aging and wrinkling, and that can contribute to infection. It limits inflammation, helping take care of the ugly redness, and working to limit the inflammatory response that can cause scarring. It also promotes healing.

It is even recommended by dermatologists.

So...there you go. Now it's up to you to decide if this acne solution is the safest way to get acne-free skin.

If you want to find out more about acne solution treatments or the one I just talked about, go to heaven4women.com

You will never think of another solution for your acne again, trust me.

Reinhardt Gallowitz

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Acne Solution From a Pill

Most people believe the only way to cure their acne problem is from the outside. Well, you definitely need to keep your skin clean, but often, acne sufferers scrub too hard or use harsh chemicals to try to clean deep. This can actually make matters worse. Simply clean your face at least twice per day with a mild cleanser, especially after sweating. I keep a bottle of astringent in the shower b/c I don’t like cleaning my face with soap like some people (my husband). Soap seems to leave a residual, as far as I’m concerned. And women, I know you won’t like this, but try to wear as little makeup as infrequently as you can get away with or put up with. It just clogs your pores. When you do wear it, make sure you clean your face before you go to bed, even if it’s late. Just do a quick job!

Home remedies for acne are much better than prescriptions, especially the ones with side effects like Accutaneฎ. You could feel sick, get liver problems, get depressed and worse yet, your child may have birth defects from using it! Be careful what you choose to cure your acne with. Read all ingredients and warnings.

Using a natural acne remedy on the inside and out is your best acne solution. For exterior cleaning, try to find a product without alcohol, as it will dry your skin. Tea Tree oil is natural, but also very strong. I wouldn’t use it for mild to moderate acne unless it had other ingredients in it to dilute it. If you have severe acne, that may work for you. An acne product that protects your skin and prevents acne from coming back is even better. There’s one listed on my web site, see below.

Now, about cleaning acne from the inside out; this may seem a bit strange to you, but a lot of acne is caused by internal imbalances and/or impurities. Chocolate doesn’t really cause acne, unless you are allergic to it, but eating junk food definitely won’t help you. Eating too many white carbohydrates creates a pasty like sludge substance in your intestines and bacteria love to stick to it, gross! That’s partly why you are told to avoid white starches and sugars, but that’s a subject for a different day.

Antioxidants, like Vitamin C, E and Alpha Lipoic Acid, are very helpful in clearing acne. Aloe Vera is an anti-viral as well as an anti-microbial, that can help cleanse you from the inside out. Hydrolyzed Collagen prevents moisture loss. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get all these, plus DMAE, Co-enzyme Q10 and Bioperine all in one capsule you only have to take once per day? Yes, there is an acne solution from a pill! You can clear your acne from the inside out. Go to my web site to find out how.

Sandra Wellman is the owner of a web site about home remedies for acne and natural hair loss treatments, including articles, tapes, cd’s, ebooks and natural products.

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Acne Prevention Tips - Maintaining the Skin You Deserve

Acne is an embarrassing and upsetting condition, and long-terms sufferers of the skin condition look forward to the day they find their own acne solution, perhaps courtesy of a few well placed acne prevention tips . There are a multitude of products available to help in clearing up the condition, but information on keeping it at bay can be more difficult to locate. Here are some acne prevention tips to help you keep the clear skin you have worked so hard to obtain.

For former acne sufferers whose skin has cleared, the urge can be to begin trying all kinds of new skin products that were previously unsuitable for your afflicted skin. But one of the most valuable acne prevention tips you will hear is this – resist this urge at all costs. While medicated products might now be overly harsh on your healed skin, it is wise to continue using familiar products: after all, these products were your acne solution in the first place. Your skin will still be quite sensitive, so help keep it clear by using mild products – you might try a non-medicated cleanser in the same line of products.

Another useful acne prevention tip is to treat your clear skin with the same sensitivity that you did your pimpled skin. Unfortunately, skin that is prone to acne can suffer problems later, and the best way to keep pimples at bay is to be as gentle and as nurturing as your skin as you were when trying to solve your acne problem. Be careful with the makeup products you use, select items that will not clog your pores, leaving you prone to spots.

Most former acne sufferers have a greater respect for their clear skin than those who have been naturally blessed with it, so use this respect to your advantage. Avoid toxins that might compromise the health of your skin, and continue to stay away from the products and foods that caused breakouts while you were hunting for your acne solution. The foods you ingest might not have a direct impact on your acne, but maintaining a healthy body is one of the best acne prevention tips around. A well-nourished body has the best tools to help keep your skin as clear as possible.

They say that prevention is better than cure, so eat well, avoid stress, and stick to a simple, gentle cleansing routine, and hopefully you won’t need that acne solution again.

A few well placed acne prevention tips can be worth their weight in gold.

Find out more about Acne Skin Care Products as well as Home Treatment for Acne and Adult Acne, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.

[tags]acne prevention tips, acne solution[/tags]

Acne Myths, Finally Some Facts

Acne is a common skin condition, which can be extremely mild or quite disfiguring. Having had a rather bad case as a young adolescent, I know the kind of socially embarrassing consequences it can have for the victim but I also remember it being sore and painful, filling my life with discomfort. It lingered a long time until I went to a dermatologist who used a type of freezing process, mechanically removing excessive puss from the lesions in relatively non-painful way. There were also topical notions. The result was total success, without scarring.

Until I went to a dermatologist, though, there was little or no gain in getting rid of this foul condition. I, like other children, were subject to disturbing concepts of its origins. Although this was a long time ago, these myths have stayed around- often causing grave delays in seeking treatment.

One of the myths is that acne is caused by everyday dirt and surface oil on the skin and that the solution is frequent and vigorous washing of the skin. Vigorous washing of the face to cure acne is a myth. The fact is- the problems that have caused chronic acne are deeper, beneath the skin’s surface and that only a mild washing of the face is in order, often accompanied with specific solutions prescribed for treating the acne by a dermatologist. Vigorous washing of the face, particularly with harsh soaps, can lead to a further irritation of the tissue. There is, in part, a bacteriological condition that contributes to acne and it is below the surface.

Another idea is that acne is caused by stress. Scientific research seems to indicate that stress alone probably does not lead to acne, but it may be aggravated by stress. But, unfortunately, acne can result from certain prescriptions that are used to treat stress. So, if you are on certain drugs related to stress, you should certain talk to your dermatologist, the appropriate type of physician for dealing with this problem. According to Doctor James Fulton, a pioneer in the treatment of acne, lithium, a substance sometimes used in profound psychological disorders, can aggravate an acne condition.

Another myth that can lead to profoundly unpleasant consequences is that one should let acne run its course, “grow out of it.” As I myself know too well, acne can linger for years and get worse and worse. At the end of my experience, my acne was very disfiguring and covered my whole face and part of my neck. It was hard to keep my hands off this uncomfortable, scaly, itchy and sore condition. I was certainly a candidate for scarring. I had a kind of skin emergency and I am glad that my parents were smart enough and lucky enough to get me to the right place at the right time.

Can acne be the consequence of poor nutrition? I think the jury may be out on this one, but, for myself, I came to believe that my excessive eating of chocolate and a lot of sugar products were contributing factors to my acne. But, in my case, I did not see any correlation before my medical treatment and it was clearly medical intervention that helped me. There are certainly many naturopathically oriented practitioners and some medical doctors that share this view, though. Not everything in medicine is a hundred percent clear cut and every acne victim should certainly research all the alternatives.

Copyright 2005 George ForganSmith

Learn more about acne today at http://www.acne-saviour.com

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Acne Myths How Conventional 'Wisdom' Prevents You From Curing Your Acne

Copiers have taken over!

Do a Google search for 'acne myths' and you'll see what I mean. You'll end up with an almost endless list of articles about acne myths - all parroting the same old things. Let's take a fresh look at some of these acne myths and how the 'conventional wisdom' may have prevented you from curing your acne

The so called acne myth 1: Acne is caused by diet

This is one of the most common ones. Internet seems to be full of 'experts' quoting studies from the 60s saying that no scientific link has been established between diet and acne. That's true, but it's also equally true that it's nearly impossible to study such a link.

Consider the following quotes by different doctors: (Dermatology Times - 5/1/2003)

"There are still a lot of people around who claim that if they eat a lot of chocolate, they break out worse. I don't know that there are any good, scientifically controlled studies." -Lee J. Vesper, M.D

"Teen diets vary so widely, you have to have a very controlled study, and how can you do that with teens? You can't trust teenage boys. There's no way you can dictate a diet for any length of time that would have an impact on the skin." -David M. Spencer, M.D.

"A number of years ago, there was a study that said chocolate was not a factor in acne. That was funded by the Hershey Corporation. Some studies had college students eat a certain diet, and offered compensation for that, but they were never really hard, double-blind studies because, how do you do that with food?" -Dennis D. Knutson, M.D.

"I do think the issue needs to be re-looked at, because there have never been very good studies." -on the subject of diet and acne, Dennis D. Knutson, M.D.

And that's just from one issue of one magazine!

The truth of the matter is that there are no scientifically valid studies to prove a point in either direction. Just use your common sense.

Ok, what's your average Western diet compromised of? Potatoes, bread (mostly wheat), meat, milk and other dairy products, sugars and fats.

Now, what do all those things have in common? They are hard to digest and take long time to digest and/or don't digest properly. They sit long time in your stomach giving all the millions of bacteria there time to putrefy them. When something putrefies in your stomach you know it's not good. You can smell it once the stuff comes out.

Point being, that all those foods create a lots of toxic or acidic waste during metabolism that needs to be eliminated. Your liver is your primary organ for doing that, along with colon and kidneys. However, those organs have only a finite capacity for handling that stuff.

What happens when they reach that capacity? Your body pushes all those toxins out through secondary channels (your skin and lungs, for example).

Now, guess in what kind of environment all that 'bad', pimple producing bacteria thrive? Yes, they like acidic/toxic environment. And you just discovered that your body is doing a hell-of-a-job in providing your skin just that.

Could this contribute to acne?

The so-called acne myths 2 & 3: Stress, sex/masturbation causes acne

Let's deal those together since the mechanisms are basically same.

Levels of certain hormones affect your sex drive. Having sex causes your body to release hormones. Your body responds to stress by releasing hormones. Simple, we all know this.

Once those hormones have served their purpose your body needs to process them to less active stuff and expel them. You probably guessed already that your liver is responsible for processing most of the hormones.

Now your liver is probably already fully booked with all the stuff that you eat. So it needs to push some of the toxics, that it would have otherwise processed, out through your skin to deal with the extra load.

Those hormones alone are probably not enough to cause acne. Combine them with a bad diet (which 90% of the Western population has) and they can make things worse.

The so-called acne myth 4: There is no cure for acne

If you keep on with the life style that caused acne then this acne myth is true. Acne is an effect not a cause. As long as you maintain the cause (overload of toxins/acids) nothing will permanently remove the effect (acne). Clean up your system and acne will be gone all by itself.

Don't let your hopes down because of some 'debunkers' whose only intention is to continue selling you ineffective acne products that will never cure your acne.

Get a fresh perspective on acne, take action and claim the skin you deserve.

After all - if you continue doing the same things you are going to get the same results.

Seppo Puusa


Give me 20 minutes and I'll show you that acne can be cured - and how to do it.
Click here for FREE information on natural acne treatments, acne cures and acne medications.

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Acne Medication

A variety of acne medications with proved efficacy are used in the United States. The selection of the prescription medication for the patient is based on the severity and type of acne. Patients with mild to severe acne can be treated with topical or oral medicines. Although systemic therapy is mainly used for treatment of severe acne, it is sometimes needed for moderate cases.

A variety of systemic agents used to clear acne include interlesional corticosteroid injection, isotretinoin, oral antibiotics (tetracycline and erythromycin) and oral contraceptives. Interlesional corticosteroid injection is a much - diluted corticosteroid injected by the dermatologist to treat severely inflamed cysts and prevent scarring. It helps treat acne by “melting” the cyst over a period of 3-5 days. Isotretinoin (a derivative of vitamin A) is a very effective oral drug that can help prevent scarring but because of its potential for serious side effects it is contraindicated in pregnant women and in many other conditions. Isotretinoin acts by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands thus preventing the excess secretion of oil and thereby decreasing the growth of bacteria. It has been estimated that up to 90% of patients’ treatment with isotretinoin result in complete or almost complete recovery from cystic acne.

Tetracycline and erythromycin are effective broad-spectrum oral antibiotics used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory acne. Tetracycline reduces inflammatory lesions of acne but is contraindicated in pregnant and breast feeding women, and children of less than 8 years of age. Doxycycline and minocycline, the synthetic derivatives of tetracycline, are also used to treat acne. Appropriate oral contraceptives that are valuable adjuncts in the treatment of acne in females include: ethynodiol, norgestimate, norethindrone and norethindrone acetate. They act by inhibiting the overactivity of sebaceous glands (oil glands).

Azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, erythromycin, and sodium sulfacetamide are the prescription topical antimicrobials used to treat acne vulgaris in the United States. Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid that has bacteriostatic and keratolytic properties. Benzoyl peroxide is inexpensive and best at killing P. acnes. When used in combination with antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin), benzoyl peroxide increases efficacy and reduces antibiotic resistance. Clindamycin is a safe and well tolerated semi-synthetic antibiotic that acts by reducing P. acnes and decreasing inflammation. Topical erythromycin is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent but may cause skin dryness and possible irritation. Sodium sulfacetamide products mostly contain sulfur and are used in patients who cannot tolerate other topical antimicrobials.

Several types of prescription topical retinoids used to treat acne include adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin. Adapalene is a synthetic retinoid analog that unclogs pores and demonstrates anti-inflammatory properties. Tazarotene is a second-line retinoid option that helps treat acne by stopping the development of new comedones. Tretinoin is a natural retinoid that works to gradually unclog pores and keep them unplugged.

Acne provides detailed information about acne, acne medication, acne products, and more. Acne is affiliated with Acne Skin Care Products.

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Acne Food - What To Eliminate From Your Diet

Annemarie Colbin, in her book "Food and Healing", makes the interesting point that diets themselves, even healing diets, are not a cure per se. They do often work, but their route to health is actually a product of supporting the body's own healing processes.

Her view on skin conditions like acne is interesting. She sees acne as a result of the regular organs of elimination, the kidneys and lungs, being unable to eliminate all the toxic waster matter that we ingest into our bodies. She sees certain foods, like those that make up what she calls the Standard American Diet, as placing too great a stress on our body's ability to process them, at least if symptoms of ill health are appearing like acne. She has found from her own observations that a change in diet often clears up even the large, purplish types of acne. She found this with her own experiences with acne. Annemarie says it takes about ten days to three months to work.

Annemarie describes acne as falling into two main causes in her approach. The first is associated with fat, protein and excess sugar. Here she recommends eliminating foods like milk, cheese, ice cream, fatty meats, nuts and peanut butter. The second category is associated with what she calls mineral-water excess, which is s term she uses to describe all substances taken out of their natural context. She mentions iodized salt, or even multi vitamins or supplements like kelp. This is very much a personal relationship as what negatively affects one person may not do so for another.

The link between excess minerals or vitamin supplements relates to Colbin's idea of balance, which is that a living system always seeks to return to balance. Anatomy and physiology textbooks even define the processes of the body that way, and it is certainly a common idea in natural health systems, especially traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Colbin writes that excess minerals and vitamin supplements lead to an increased need for the macro nutrients protein, fat and carbohydrates. Salt is also in this category. The idea is that these vitamins and minerals, taken out of the context of the food itself, will lead to the body craving actual food to create a sense of balance. If we have a multi vitamin at mealtimes, within the RDA, I don't believe this is going to present a problem. Especially given that our foods are often depleted of the range of essential nutrients that they would normally have if they were grown organically and in nutrient dense soils. But it is certainly an argument in favor of approaching nutritional supplements in a balanced way also. Some people mistakenly think more is better. This clearly illustrates it is not.

References: Annemarie Colbin, Food As Healing (Ballantine Books, New York)
Simon Mills, The Essential Book Of Herbal Medicine (Penguin Arkana)

If you'd like more at home acne treatments, then check out this article. And if you're sick of unrealistic promises of an acne natural cure, try this natural treatment instead. If you've ever thought of using acne birth control pills, you need to read this article.

[tags]food as medicine, healing diets, healing with whole food, healing food, acne food, acne, home remedi[/tags]

Acne Diminished Self-confidence in Teens - You Can Get Rid of Acne Effectively with NO Scarring

Acne refers to a skin condition where pores on the skin contain blackheads, whiteheads and/or pimples. In severe cases, plugged pores can result in lumps, cysts or nodules.

While Acne tends to predominantly affect teenagers (at least 90% develop some
form of Acne), it is not uncommon in adults. Acne can occur on the face, neck,
chest, back and arms. Acne can have a severe psychological impact, particularly
on teenagers, and be a direct causal factor of low self-esteem and diminished
confidence. Severe acne may lead to permanent scarring. Many people actively seek
Home Remedies for Acne
to treat the condition themselves.

Teens and Acne.

While most teens exhibit only mild forms of Acne, even these mild breakouts can
cause untold heartache. 'I can't go the prom…'; 'I can't go on my date…'; 'I can't
go to school like this…'

These statements are indicative of low self-esteem and/or diminished self-confidence.
In a teen-world where 'perfection' is propagated by both the media and one's peers,
being 'disfigured' by facial blemishes has a massive psychological impact on many
teens. Especially in severe cases.

Of course they are NOT disfigured, they simply have a skin condition common to
teens due to the hormonal changes naturally occurring within their bodies. Growing
up has its challenges.

Treating Acne

It IS possible to gently and effectively Treat Acne Naturally (no drugs or prescription medication required).

A 100% purely natural cure for Acne, that has multiple positive testimonials from
thousands of people across the world can be found at www.naturallyguaranteed.com.
It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. I recommend it. Cure acne with no scarring... It's not only possible, it's a reality...

[tags]Acne, Teens and Acne, Home remedies for Acne, Treat Acne Naturally, cure Acne, No scarring acne cur[/tags]

Acne Cure Remedy - Common Causes of Acne

Just because of acne… Do you feel like a vampire who shies away at your mirror? Are you afraid of your own reflection?

Chances are there are also about 60 million people feeling the way you do.

For most of us humans, acne seems to be the bane of our existence. And it is not totally unfounded. Acne, nowadays, is the most prevalent and most common medical condition affecting more than 60 million people in the United States alone.

What exactly are the causes of acne that so many people suffer from it?
Here are the most common causes of acne that we have gathered for you.

Hormones- the number one cause of acne is the production of sex hormones called androgen that begins at puberty. This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents and teens. Hormones are responsible for then acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy.

When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging — and acne.

Stress- Stress can also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes white heads, black heads and pimples.

Oily or heavy make up- Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add more oil, this only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics especially certain moisturizers, foundation and pomades (watch out for lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid).

Certain medications and steroids. Vitamins are good for your body, But an excess of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can cause acne flare-ups. These vitamins are good for the skin, but avoid overuse.

Acne Cure Remedy - http://www.acnecureremedy.com/

[tags]acne cure, acne, clear skin, acne treatment[/tags]

Acne Can Be Cured!

Acne is an embarrassment. I know. I’m a teenage boy who can’t get dates because of how my face looks. Well, I guess it’s also because of how shy I am because of it, too. Jim gets dates, but his acne isn’t as bad as mine. So what do I do about it? I’m big on web searches. Some day I’m going to write a book called “Web Searching to Solve Your Problems.” But right now I just want to clear up my acne.

I hear a lot of stories about what’s causing my acne, so I go look to see what’s what about that. It’s kind of like searching Snopes for urban legends. Turns out that my pastor was wrong about what causes acne. Good thing. My mother was wrong, too. She said I ate too much chocolate and fried food. There’s no research to prove that diet causes acne. I know. I looked it up. So forget that one, too.

So, what else? Oh, yeah. Stress. They say stress causes acne. How much stress could I have? Dad works. Mother works, too. She also cooks & cleans. I just go to school and worry about whether I can get a date with Jill or not. Well, that’s stress, but I don’t think it caused my acne!

It looks like there is good research saying that benzoyl peroxide works. Okay. So I’ll use some of that. I looked it up on Acne.Org. They have this whole regimen. One for men that tells me how to shave. One for women that talks about make up. Yuck.

I’m trying it. It seems to be working. There’s other stuff out there on the web if this doesn’t work. I found where they can even do laser treatment on acne. Seems like we can laser just about anything. Hopefully, mine will clear up before then, but if not. I’ll try anything! I really want to go out with Jill!

About this writer

Bud Mettarod is a teenager living in Los Angeles. He loves online role-playing games and his iPod is his friend. You can read more articles about acne at Acne Z X
